soulmates (pt. 4/5)

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calum's POV

"calum, what happened, why did you run off like that, what were you thinking?", michael asked when he was brought back inside, tears pricking his eyes.

"she's here, well she was. I looked on my phone it was going crazy. she was here and she's gone and now maybe I'll never find her again."

"hey, cal. if she was here today, she'll still be her tomorrow. we'll get up early in the morning and we'll do anything we can to find her, I promise you calum.", ashton jumped in trying to comfort him.

"it just sucks, all of you have found your soulmates and me, I'm here, single forever and the one time I might have a shot it slips though my fingers just like that. I hate this. I hate this so much."

"I know, but you will find her."

y/n's POV

"so, did you two have fun?", your aunt asked when you brought your cousin home.

"I had so much fun, oh my god, I met ashton and he talked to me and he gave y/n his water bottle and then when we went back to the car, we saw calum, but they took him inside before we could go say hi.", your cousin rambled.

"hey, is it okay if I stay here tonight, I don't feel like driving all the way back home.", you asked.

"ofcourse you can stay love, it's great to have you here."

"thank you so much, if it's okay with you I'm gonna go sleep already, I don't feel so great right now."

"it's called post concert depression.", your cousin told you, "it'll pass in a couple days."

"it better.", you laughed and went to listen to some music, that always made you feel a lot better.

calum's POV

"ashton, wake up please, we would go look for my soulmate."

"mmh, I thought I was your soulmate."

"oh shut up, you know what I meant."

"okay, give me a minute."

"thank you, I'll go get luke and michael in the mean time."


"okay, so this thing takes us all across town, just to point straight into the ocean. that makes no sense.", michael commented.

"I know, it's weird, maybe it's a mermaid.", luke joked.

"hilarious, no it means, she's probably already gone and I'm too late once again.", calum mumbled upset.

"wait a second, I think I recognise that person, she was with the girl I gave your water to.", ashton said pointing to a girl sitting on the beach.

"ashton, she's like fourteen, there's no way thath's my soulmate.", calum said, already giving up again.

"I never said she was, but there's a second towel next to her, she's not here on her own."

"smart, let's ask her about it.", michael commented.

"hey! I'm michael and-", he started.

"omg. OMG. THIS ISN'T REAL, AM I DREAMING", the girl yelled.

"nope, I'm really here, but i was wondering if-"

"I gotta get my cousin, omg I can't- she has to be here, just wait here please, I'll be right back. OMG.", she screamed out while running towards the water.

"well that went well.", luke commented sarcastically, seeing her run off like that.

"it did actually, she's going to get her cousin and then come back here, maybe that's water bottle girl.", michael smirked.

"I just hope that whoever she brings back here, is the one this compass is pointing at.", calum sighed.

"we all do, cal.", ashton said reassuringly as they watched the ocean and waited for someone to appear.

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