Lamar raised an eyebrow. "What, he your daddy now? Come to pick you up from the playground?" he said derisively.

"Dude, don't be like that."

"Nah dawg, we get it. Go hang with your new best friend."

"It ain't like that, man," T.K. defended himself. He knew that deep down Lamar was just jealous. He was also a wrestling fan and had he been in T.K.'s shoes he'd have done the exact same thing. "Look, I'll see y'all tomorrow." He kissed a pouting Chanel's cheek and left, joining the Samoan inside the Range Rover.

"Your leg's better?" T.K. questioned, interrupting the silence between him and Joe.

"Yeah. I can finally work out, thank God." He changed the radio station and turned down the volume. "Your friend's car is nice," he stated.

The smile on the teenager's face instantly vanished, disliking the disapproving tone in the Samoan's voice. "Let me guess. Mom told you Lamar's the devil's incarnate?"

"She said no such thing," Joe answered calmly, keeping his eyes on the road. "And his car is nice."

"Is that the real reason you picked me up? To tell me to stay away from him too?" T.K. accused, "You gonna sit there and pass judgment on someone you don't know?"

Joe snickered, shaking his head. "Trust me man, I'm the last person that should be judging anybody," he said, taking a right, "I just wanted you to come hang out with us. I know you're big on wrestling and stuff."

"Who's 'us'?"

"A few of the guys from work. Ambrose, Rollins, Cesaro, Big E, a couple of others," he rattled off, glancing briefly at T.K. to see his face light up. "This is the only time we have before we head back out tomorrow and I asked them if you could join us."

T.K. was surprised. He read that most wrestlers didn't often let other people into their circle, no matter how long for, so to know they had agreed, and that Joe had gone to bat for him, was pretty awesome. "Thanks."

"No problem."


When they walked into the gym, T.K.'s eyes were huge. He'd passed this place a number of times and had even entered once. It was very intimidating in a cool kind of way. It was clearly where the big boys came to play and he imagined membership cost a fortune. Meeting the guys was even cooler. He'd met Jon and Colby before, and with them were Cesaro, whose real name was Claudio Castagnoli, Ettore Ewen, who wrestled as Big E, and Sheamus, also known as Ste Farrelly. T.K. stood among the men as the group discussed workout plans, doing his best not to look as star-struck as he felt.

"So what do you want to start with, man?" Joe asked T.K.

"You're the experts," he answered. "What should I start with?"

"It depends on you," said Claudio. "Everyone has something that works for them. Colby and I start off with Cross Fit, Jon does cardio, and Joe and E do the weights first."

"In my school's wrestling and basketball teams we do cardio first," said T.K. "But I've never done Cross Fit before."

"Then Cross Fit it is, my man," Colby announced, throwing an arm around the teen's shoulders and leading him to the far corner of the gym, Claudio laughing as he followed behind. Jon leaned towards Joe. "They're gonna kill him," he said, making the big man laugh.

T.K. never realized just how much work went into the conditioning of a WWE Superstar, but if the next two hours was any idea of what it took, then he had definitely underestimated these men. He collapsed on the floor in a sweaty heap, his arms spread out at his sides, breaths tearing in and out of his lungs. He ached everywhere. If they really did this every day then they were fucking badasses. "I think I'm gonna die," he groaned.

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