Love Letter Fiasco

Start from the beginning

Did she like Timothy? Were they friends?

Derek got up from his spot under the tree and casually walked over. He sat where Timothy always sat, to the left of her and admired the scenery. Lucky guy, so this was what he got to look at every day.

Beside him, Derek imagined Katelyn sitting on the bench, her dark hair in a messy bun and scribbling out notes.

Derek was about to get up and leave when he noticed a piece of white paper poking out from a space between the wood of the table. He easily fished it out and unfolded the index card.

“Do you want to get ice cream?” he read. “My treat since you’ve helped me so much this week. Signed, Tim.”

What the hell was this?

Derek flipped it to the back. It wasn’t addressed to anyone but a little thinking made it clear that Timothy had left the note stuck in the table for Katelyn the next day. He didn’t know why but the note irked him a great deal. Something about Timothy Wilson thinking Katelyn would go out with him annoyed Derek. Thinking Katelyn might actually accept made him want to crumble up the note and rip it apart.

Besides, not that Timothy Wilson would know this, but ice cream was his and Katelyn’s thing, even though it happened once and Katelyn really didn’t want ice cream. Derek still felt like it was their thing.

A breeze whistled through the trees and Derek took a deep breath. 

“It’s going to be lost,” Derek thought to himself. “I’ll just hand deliver it to Katelyn,” he reasoned with himself.

With that, he pocketed the note. Later as he stopped by a trash can, Derek was also tempted to toss it. Katelyn wouldn’t ever know and life would return to normal but the note stayed glued to Derek’s hand. He pocketed it again and smoothly transitioned back into his everyday routine. He’ll give it to her tomorrow.

"Hey Katelyn!" Derek called, catching up to her.

Katelyn turned. "Derek?" she said, feeling embarrassed simply seeing him. She mentally tried to will herself not to blush.

"Do you want to study for the math test?" he asked, syncing strides with her.

"I thought you were good at math..." Katelyn accused. It didn't seem like Derek to ask for help. He seemed to be perfect at everything.

"Well, you see, its Cole actually,” Derek said. He lowered his voice. “He's struggling and I'm not sure how to help him..." Derek explained. “I heard you tutored.”

"What?" Cole asked, turning at the sound of his name.

"I'm talking about the math test," Derek told him. "You know? The one that you're having trouble with? I think if we had a study group, it will help your grade out..."

“No, I- Oh!” Cole said, blinking a few times. “That math test…” Cole ran his hand through his short brown hair. "Yeah, I guess. Katelyn, I'm sure you're busy-"

"No!" Katelyn interrupted. "I'd be happy to help. This test is really important. I'm sure Sammy and Jane wouldn't mind studying either."

"So, want to go right now?" Derek asked. "We can go to the courtyard since it’s still bright out."

"Um...sure," Katelyn agreed.

Just then Sammy and Jane walked by.

"Sammy! Jane!" Katelyn yelled. "Want to go study?"

"Oh right," Sammy said, tugging on her bangs. "I really need to study for that math test."

"Um...Derek...suggested we all study in the courtyard," Katelyn told her friends.

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