Chapter 22: The Past: Another Traitor.

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The Past: Part 18. (The second last part of the Past Arc.)


Chisaki liked to believe that he was a calm and decisive man. But the Midoriya's and the Yakuza always seemed to bring out the worst in him.

He never wanted to cover for the owners of Aldera, he never wanted to take the fall for them either. But when he heard of their deaths, Chisaki knew something wasn't right. Even if The Midoriyas weren't known publicly to own Aldera, they still had a high social status as Cultural Elites of Japan. 

They had the money for the lie and the reputation. Aldera didn't run on simple trading and manufacturing, it ran on all sorts of devious scandals. Most of them being in conflicts between different villain organizations from all over the world. 

The Yakuza, in front of Aldera, was nothing. And the Midoriyas? That family was absolutely terrifying. 

Chisaki recalled the first time he met them, him being 16 at the time. Inko Shigaraki and Hisashi Midoriya were engaged, both their families anonymous to even this date. Hisashi's parents were killed by heroes, The Iida family's debut hero Ingenium in his prime being the one responsible for it. Tensei Iida and Tenya Iida obviously would never have come to know of their father being a murderer of course.

"What...?" Iida breathed, eyes wide.

"Inko...Shigaraki?" All Might mumbled, confused.

While Inko's side of the family was far more complicated. Her father was said to be immortal, and he supposedly left her to her mom, who died of a quirk malfunction much later on. Inko had a brother named Ketsun, who was also known to their son, Izuku, as 'Uncle'.

Honestly, Chisaki was scared shitless as soon he walked into the dining room the Couple was seated in. Inko's hair was tied in an elegant bun, with two strands coming down her temples, each strand decorated with rubies and diamonds. Her obsidian-colored dress hugged her lean and slim body, curving into looser ends at her thighs and bust, while a slit at the bottom of the outfit reached till one of her upper thighs, showing off her perfect legs and expensive heels. 

The collar of her dress dipped into a deep V at the front, while the back rose up till her scalp, putting in a Cleopatra vibe. Her eyes were narrow, a Toxic green glinting underneath her bored expression, while she elegantly cut a piece of something gourmet, which Chisaki had no idea what was.

Hisashi wore a similar colored shirt, his vest an ashen silver, his black hair gelled at the sides, while his bangs messily drooped till his fiery colored eyes. His freckles formed a diamond pattern right under his eyes and on his sharp cheekbone. The gelled hair showing the man's perfect jawline. His loafers were a matte-black and his trousers looked millions of yen worth.

Oh yeah, no one ever made Chisaki feel as poor as he felt at that instant.

"Good Evening, Ma'am, Sir." The maid who guided Chisaki to the dining hall bowed. Hisashi hummed in acknowledgment and gestured for her to leave. 

Inko placed her hands on the table, folding them, and flicked her index finger, which was embroidered with a platinum snake ring wrapped around it. The chair in front of her moved and she smiled, one out of simple politeness.

Chisaki walked up to the chair and bowed, taking a seat.

"Good Evening, Mister and Misses Midoriya." He greeted, his face stoic.

Hisashi looked at him for a second, before speaking.

"I think you know why you're here, or has that old man not explained?" The elite rumbled, his voice almost 50 hertzes deeper than Chisaki's. The boy felt a shiver go down his spine but quickly ignored it.

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