Chapter 21: The Past: Villainy.

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The Past: Part 17


"You OWN Aldera?!" Dabi almost screeched. Izuku nonchalantly shrugged.

"I had to take ownership a few days back since I'm the only survivor of my already extremely tiny family, y'know, legalities and shit."  He answered, swallowing a bite of pancake.

"Dude! That's awesome! Aldera is literally in charge of EVERYTHING in Japan!" Haru excitedly stated. Izuku smiled.

"What makes you think it's only Japan?" Reina said before Izuku could smugly reply. "The only reason Marl and I actually know of that company isn't because of only Newspapers and shit."

"Yeah, Aldera funds overseas too. Reina's parents worked for them back in Russia, while mine were intelligence agents for them in America." Marl continued twirling a fork in his hand.

Izuku seemed surprised that their parents worked under the company he now owned. But he seemed more confused when he spotted a wicked grin forming on Marl's face.

"Y'know, before we killed them."


Toga, Haru, Shiggy, and Dabi didn't react to that, All For One sat undisturbed, cutting a piece of omelet mannerly.  They knew.

"You killed your parents too?" He asked, squinting.

Marl nodded while Reina chuckled.

"Obviously. Those assholes didn't deserve to be left alive." She muttered, her Russian accent spiking a tad, and that happened only when she was annoyed.

Izuku simply hummed in acknowledgment. "Anyways, Aldera's villain base is also under my 'control' now..." 

All For One simply raised his eyebrows at that. "It would be amusing to watch a ten-year-old run a global scaled villain organization..." He teased.

"I'm not going to let anyone know though, obviously." Izuku scoffed. "My 'family' never revealed themselves to be Aldera's owners to anyone except business partners and lawyers. Even the government doesn't know the Midoriyas run it." 

"And they still let you all fund them?" Reina asked, now curious.

"There was a front. Another organization covered for us, the Yakuza I believe."

Aizawa choked on air. "What?!" He spat out. 

"The fucking Yakuza?!" Sato snarled. 

"So, Midori might even be in league with the Yakuza? The organization which fucking abused Eri?!" Mina angrily yelled.

"Now now, don't forget that Midoriya-kun was also the one who saved Eri." Nezu soothed.

"...Still, The Yakuza are powerful enemies, and while we have taken Kai Chisaki into custody, they're still active, even if it's to a minimum." All Might hummed.

"If Aldera is a global villain organization, it's safe to say they're quite powerful. And now, with the Yakuza as well..." Aizawa trailed off, his face grim.

Uraraka suddenly piped up, her face a bit frustrated. "If Aldera is run by Deku-kun, and the Yakuza were simply a cover for him, doesn't he hold power OVER them?"

"That should be true..." Nezu mumbled.

Bakugou thought for a second before finally speaking up. "Wasn't Eri with those bastards for like 3 or 4 years?" 

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