Chapter 20: The Past: Aldera

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The Past: Part 16:


"Bakugou, you're an ass. You know that right?" Toru growled, her tone mocking and cold. A few simply nodded to that or sneered.

Aizawa, however, spoke up. "Shut up all of you." He scolded annoyed. "I doubt five-year-old versions of you idiots would have known what to do in this situation."

He turned towards Bakugo, a frown decorated on his face with harsh words ready to spill out his mouths before all of them disappeared upon looking at the blonde's face.

There were prominent tear cracks on his face, his nose red, and his eyes seemed glazed over, as if he were deep in thought.

That was...unsettling to Aizawa. He was used to seeing the brave and confident bravado the boy emitted. Sure he had a few issues, but so did everyone else. What he did in the past was definitely a shitty move, but at least he tried to help at one point. Besides, he'd seen the kid at his lowest. He knew Bakugou well enough to see what was going through his mind.

"Look, as much as he screwed up in the past, he tried to actually look into it. It was a different story on how it was handled, but he tried. That counts for something." He sighed.

The teacher rubbed his eyes again. "And Bakugou, I take it you've been trying to fix yourself for the past few years?"

Katsuki, who expected Aizawa to yell at him as well, simply nodded, a bit dumbfounded at the kindness he definitely did not deserve.

"But sensei-" Toru started before Aizawa cut her off.

"Tell me one thing. How easy would it be for you to work on 'damaged' relationships when you can't even be sure of surviving till the next month?"


"Tell me if you'd be able to worry about others when you're being suffocated to death by a random street villain simply because you were STRONG?"

Silence once again. At least a few of his students had the audacity to actually look guilty.

"And tell me, whether ANY of you would still be confident with yourself if you were attacked twice in the same year and even kidnapped by a 200-year-old supervillain who could've possibly killed you or done something that would've made you wish he did." 

Aizawa was practically snarling at this point. These were supposed to be HERO students. Had they never understood their own friend and classmate? Or had they just decided to blame him for all that was going on, simply because 'He knew' or 'it was the easiest way' to go about?

The disappointment was evident on his face and tone. Nezu simply chuckled.

"And they said you weren't a good teacher." The sarcasm rolled off of his tongue.

"I-" the invisible girl started but seemingly shut up, not being able to say anything. Katsuki took in the stunned silence. He figured no one would've known about any of his 'traumas', as his therapist called them, but Aizawa proved him wrong. 

"Bakubro- did you really feel this way?" Kirishima pathetically asked, confused to unreachable limits. What the hell was going on? Nothing seemed like it would go back to the way it was.

Katsuki was about to say something like 'of course not,  shitty hair.' but couldn't after seeing the look his sensei gave him.

"I-, yeah? The uh, kidnap thing wasn't exact but it was close enough..." He mumbled looking away from the ocean of guilty looks he was receiving.

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