Chapter 11: The Past: Part 7

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Izuku was seen sitting on a bench, his head in his hands. The boy's body was trembling and beads of sweat for pooling on the surface of the table in front of him. Izuku took deep and harsh breaths. He wasn't electrocuted, but there were many other ways his father loved to hurt him.

"G-godammit." The ten-year-old growled. Izuku noticed how his hair was changing its color. But he never understood why it was turning darker. His doctor had told him it was because he had Marie Antoinette-syndrome, which Izuku guessed, but had only a hunch as to why his hair had the reverse effect of the disease.

"Wait...what's Marie Antoinette syndrome?" Uraraka asked concerned. 

"It's when a person's hair starts turning white due to the massive amount of physical and emotional stress put onto them." Momo answered, her hands clenched in fury.

Sero brought a hand up to his chin. "Why's Midoriya's hair turning black instead then?" he asked.

Nezu connected the pieces already. Please, don't let why I think why be true. The animal noticed Izuku's behavior in the memory he was watching. The trembling, the sweat, the pain, and the unnatural hair darkening. It all led up to one thing.

It was probably the drugs' side effect, wasn't it? Izuku was not only the victim of abuse. His parents looked at him as some sort of blank sheet that could be tweaked at because of his quirkless demeanor. So, they tried forcing quirks onto him through various experiments and drugs. Sure he worked hard to keep up his physical and mental strengths, but drugs and permanent steroids were also part of his monstrous, if not supernatural, strength. 

One could even think Izuku had a quirk of Strength and Analysis. Yeah, that was probably the reason for his hair's appearance. Every week he would be injected and fed with several drugs. They all had terrible side effects of course. A lot of them being head-splitting headaches, Nausea, dizziness, fatigue, and extreme pain in his stomach and chest. Then there was his appearance. Izuku's hair was slowly turning black from its roots and his eyes' lovely emerald green was dulling. He had huge eyebags, probably because of insomnia and the pain. Lastly his height. Izuku was reasonably tall for a ten-year-old, standing at 5 foot 3. But his height barely grew a few inches after that.

He didn't even hit puberty yet.

"I was right after all..." Nezu sighed. The class was barely surprised anymore. It was as if all of the problems in the world hinged themselves onto Izuku's back. They weren't surprised, but it didn't mean they weren't horrified once more. Their classmate was not only being abused, bullied, and tortured, but he was also experimented and tested on? 

Yeah, they were definitely starting to see why the greenette was a villain now.

"I didn't think I could be any angrier, but I've been proved wrong once more," Kirishima said bitterly.

"I'm surprised Midobro's still sane after all of this." Kaminari mumbled bitterly.

"We shouldn't be too sure of that just yet, Kaminari-san." Nezu replied darkly.

Izuku groaned in pain once again. His head felt as if someone was ripping it apart. His hands were clawing and pulling at his hair and head but it wasn't helping one bit. The 'doctors' had drugged him again, and it fucking hurt. Izuku could feel a heaviness starting to settle in his chest and muttered curses. He didn't want to go through both a spasm and a headache. Tears begin pooling in his eyes and the boy bit his tongue to keep himself from screaming as his chest started to throb as well.

Izuku knew the doctors were watching him. Observing him as if he was a fucking guinea pig. But then again, maybe he was. Izuku wanted to run away. No, he wanted to kill all of them in cold blood. But he wouldn't. Because heroes...don't kill.

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