Chapter 4: Behind the Mask.

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Izuku walked downstairs, heading towards the common room. His feet padded softly on the wooden floor. The greenette couldn't shake off the feeling that something big was going to happen today, and all that did was make him nervous. Izuku trusted his instincts, they were the only reason he was still alive after all. But, they were also the reason he committed his first sin.

The boy heard noises in the common room and peeked in. All of his classmates sat on sofas or on the ground. He also spotted All Might, Aizawa, and Nezu. Again, his instincts immediately told him to turn around. Izuku ignored it.

Big mistake.

"Hey guys!" He chirped, hiding behind his mask again. It was always amusing to Izuku, how everyone thought of him as nothing but sunshine and happiness.

All eyes fell on Izuku. He caught himself carefully, as a frown almost made its way onto his face. His classmates looked angry and sad, their eyes red and tired. Well, it was only 4 in the morning. Another thought entered his mind. Why were they awake so early? And all of them together with the teachers? Nezu was here, and that wasn't good. He was the principal. of UA, no way did he come here just to have a chat. Something was going on. Izuku almost choked.

Did they know?

No, they couldn't possibly have.


Izuku took a deep breath in order to calm himself down...Even if they did know, they were heroes. They wouldn't be able to do anything but throw Izuku into jail. Oddly, that thought seemed to enlighten the boy.

"Izuku Midoriya..." Nezu interjected Izuku's thoughts. "where were you last night?"

Ah, Busted. The act was over, though Izuku wanted to see how far his luck would go.

"What do you mean, sir?" He said in the most innocent voice he could muster, trying not to laugh.

Nezu and all the other 22 people in the room frowned, in anger or disappointment, Izuku didn't know, nor did he care.

"Don't play dumb with us, Midoriya. Why were you with the villains?" Aizawa spoke up, anger filling up in his voice.

Oop. Now...what could he say to avoid suspicion?

"ah, you see..." He started. All heads perked up, impatiently waiting for an answer.

"I was kinda forced into the situation." 

Lies. Lies, lies, and more lies. Izuku could do this forever. Now it took all of his willpower to not crack up and laugh.

Instead of the previous look of anger and betrayal, the students' eyes were filled with worry. This was way too easy.

"How so?" Kirishima said, his voice oozing with concern and...was that pitty? Izuku almost smiled, was that idiot actually pitying him? Well, it wasn't his fault though, Izuku was simply just too good of an actor. Who knows, he might just quit his villain career and take up broadway shows instead!

"They've held someone close to me as a hostage." Izuku squeaked, keeping up with his charade. Everyone almost sighed in relief. Hm. Not quite heroic, now is that.

"See?! I told you he'd never betray us of his own free will!" Uraraka almost cried in joy, as she shot up to her feet.

Izuku was almost failing at hiding his pure amusement. These wannabe heroes were simply too easy to fool! He wasn't going to keep up at the act anymore, obviously, it was too much of a hassle trying to come up with a new plan regarding this 'hostage' sh*t the boy just came up with, but he wanted to play just a while longer.

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