The Future We Know

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Tatsumi POV

"Tatsumi! Stay with me! Help's on it's way. Look at me, Tatsumi, no. Calm down, I'm here."

'Is it Esdeath, calling my name? Or is it someone else..?'

I looked around, it was like a black hole, no shadows, no sun, no life. And everything I was saying had it's echos, it was getting harder to hear Esdeath, her voice.. was.. gone.


I heard someone from my back, but when I turned, I couldn't see anyone.

'Are you blind?' asked the same voice, I started looking around, still not seeing anything.

'You know what? That doesn't matter.' I heard the guy sighing, he sounded familiar somehow..

'Don't tell me you forgot! You hated me, Tatsumi!' He started laughing, which was irritating as hell, since it was echoing as well..

'Just stop!' I shouted, not knowing where I was shouting at.

'Okay, okay. But you know, you are the reason why we're in this hell right now!' He sounded like he knew everything.

'What? Me?! What did I do?'

'Just don't forget, only for once!' now he was the one who was irritated, I felt like I got my revenge.

'Don't be so rough on him.' I heard a woman's voice, she sounded.. magical.. 'Hey, Tatsumi.'

I know her.

'As you should.'

What? Did she just-

'Read your mind? Exactly. And thank you for the compliments, it flatters me so much..!'

'Shut up.' I heard the man's voice, he sounded, jealous..

'Oh wait. Were you playing with him, again?!' the woman was irritated, I didn't know what was going on.. I couldn't even see them, see anything at all actually..

'You didn't explain anything to him, played with him, pissed him off, and didn't even bother turning the lights on?!' I couldn't have been more happy that the woman was here, even though she was reading my mind.

And with one blink, I could see everything. I was in a house, in a living room actually, I wasn't floating anymore, in fact, I was sitting on a chair, with a coffee cup on my hand.

'Is it better, sweetie?' The woman asked, she was smiling at me, and I only had one word on my mind.


'Awww, he knows who I am!' she jumped, and looked at the man, he was still irritated.

'Es..death..?' I couldn't think of anything else other than her somehow..

'I can't- You were so cute. So dang cute.' She smiled once again. 'JUST LOOK AT HIMMMMMMM!!!' She hugged me, really, really tight.

These are Esdeath's boobs. No doubt.

'That's you.' she looked at the man next to her, and for the first time, he was smiling at me.

'Why didn't we get you instead..' even though he was smiling, I could tell that he was a little annoyed by my reaction.

'You know what would happen if we did.. I would talk a lot more, annoy us more, and like, I wasn't cute, at all.'

'But you were beautiful as hell, and I missed it..'

Stay by my side forever (Esdeath x Tatsumi)Where stories live. Discover now