The Conversation: Part 1

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Tatsumi POV

To be brutally honest, I thought I would try a little harder to convince her, but I guess using my charms worked well enough.. *insert smirking Tatsumi face here*

"Thanks Esdeath, it means a lot to me" I said, standing up. She took my hand and asked,

"Hey, where're you going?"

"Where am I going- Esdeath you have to train your team, remember? The Jaegers, The big war against night raid, having that convo with me, LOTS of other things, and probably one of them is torturing some prisoners.."

"Well thank you, reminder." She said, then looked at me with an irritated face, but laughed it off afterwards.

"The reminder will go downstairs to recharge, see you later!" I said, walking towards the door

"See you soon, love!"

Then I left the room, went downstairs, only to see Wave -ironically- waving at me.

"Hey dude! Are you doing better? You surely seem so!"

"Yeah, I actually am doing better, thanks again buddy." I said, and continued whilst walking towards the living-room-looking room. "Hey Wave, remember when I told you that I needed clothes? Yeah, I still need 'em.. So uh, after we're done with whatever we need to do, care to come to the town with me? I'm just too scared to shop with Esdeath."

Wave started laughing, "Scared? duuudeee of course I'll come with y- SCARED?! It's not like she's gonna kill you dude, but okay okay ofc, what are friends for after all.."

We finally reached the room, and saw Kurome chatting with Seryu, we went in, and soon after Esdeath and the others came, ready to get our orders. (well, their orders to be exact, I had private lessons from the commander herself as usual.)

"For today, as the minister said, and I quote, you do not need to fight. We don't get too many days off, and today's not 'off' either, anything can go wrong at any time, just be prepared for it. If you want to talk to me, don't. But in case of emergencies, I'll be at the second floor, come and let me know."

She was getting ready to leave when Kurome asked,

"If we're not doing anything unless something goes wrong, who's gonna know if, and when it does?"

'You guys have guards everywhere, of course you'll know when something happens..' I thought to myself.

"We have guards everywhere, Kurome. Of course we'll know if something happens." She didn't even bother turning back, since the answer was pretty easy. I guessed it right. I guessed it right! Self five, Tatsumi!

Then she left the room, wave was winking at me, he seemed happy.. No wonder why-

"HEY TATSUMI! WE CAN GO NOW!" He said, rushing towards me. He wrapped his arm around my neck and showed the ceiling. "Tatsumi and Wave's hopefully not so bizarre adventures for clothing. Let's begin!"

I laughed at his expression, "We need money dude."

He turned at me, looking all angry, jealous, and that 'are you a dumbass?' asking face.

"What? We do need money and I don't know where i can ge-" We looked at each other for a while, than I realized. "Esdeath.. She'll give me money."

Wave started clapping at me, of course making fun of my genius

I left the room, to get to the second floor, I saw Esdeath as soon as I got there;

"Esdeath!" I shouted, she heard me and turned at me.

Stay by my side forever (Esdeath x Tatsumi)Where stories live. Discover now