Who to blame now?

794 24 14

Esdeath POV

It has been 2 days since Tatsumi left the hospital, he was still injured, but nothing compared to the first day of.. you know.. Whatever. He was back on foot, he could walk, eat, and even run now. He was still asleep when I woke up this morning, and I decided not to wake him up, instead, I listened to the advice Bols gave me, and tried to make breakfast to him, which somehow went well, I'm pretty good at a lot of things, but cooking isn't one of them.. But still, I'm sure I can get better at that as well, considering Tatsumi'll get injured many more times if he goes on like this.. But since he'd changed my perspective before, he could make me an optimist as well, and to be honest, being an optimist actually helps a lot in life, so I'll just say, he won't get injured many more times, and even if he does, he'll get better, step by step. And who knows, one day he can beat me as well.. (A/N: No ♥︎ )

I prepared his breakfast in 20 minutes or so, and I must say, it was harder than I expected it to be. I went back to my room to wake him up, but he already was awake, so I slowly approached him, not letting him see the breakfast.

"Look who's awake!" I said, he was looking out, from the window

"Huh? Esdeath..! Good mornin'!"

"Morning to you too" I said, then sat at the bed "Look, I made this for you!" I somehow sounded like a fangirl. and the worst part was, I was fangirling about a breakfast. A fricking breakfast.

"W-woah- Wait- Who are you and what did you to Esdeath?!" He said, fingergunning me.

"Come now even I can be a normal 'wife material'. But still, it probably tastes bad as hel-"

"We can't know without trying!"He took the tray I was holding, and literally dug in.

Tatsumi POV

It was the worst breakfast I've ever had. But even though it tasted like coal, (I mean, the white side of the eggs, the bread, and anything which was 'cooked') it made me somehow happy, looking at someone like Esdeath, fangirling over a breakfast, over anything in general actually, she looked pretty happy, and (dont come at me for this adjective) innocent.

And to protect her feelings, I decided not to show how bad it tasted.

And I failed. My face got red as soon as I bit the toast. It was hot. hot as hell. Not like Esdeath-hotness. It was spicy, i have no idea why, but it was the spiciest thing I've ever eaten in my entire life. My mouth started to burn as if it was hell inside, I calmed down, for a second, and swallowed it.

I should NOT have swallowed that. (I guess you can understand what happened to my throat, so I won't bother explaining)


I looked up to her, with tears in my eyes, all red, in pain, only to see her laughing as if she'd seen a funny meme or something.

"I HAVE NO IDEA WHY YOU DID THAT- LMAAOOOOOOOOOOOO" -She literally said 'lmao' btw- and she continued laughing for a while, a LONG while. And when she calmed down, she too had tears on her eyes, but the laughing-tears, unlike my pain-tears.

"Tatsumi, fyi, the toast might be a little spicy." She said, and started laughing again. I just continued looking at her, but I was planning my revenge. After a while, she wiped her tears off, and started talking;

"Oh god I haven't laughed that much in a long time- pfft- okay, no, I'm calm. I'm totally calm. Breathe in, breathe out Esdeath, calm down." She inhaled, and continued "You should've seen your face though... Okay okay I'll shut up now. You're planning your revenge on me aren't you?"

"I wirl gwewt mway revengwe" I couldn't talk, my whole body was burning. I opened my mouth, stuck my tongue out, pointed it with my finger, and tried to talk once again, but Esdeath cut me off.

Stay by my side forever (Esdeath x Tatsumi)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora