Over before it begun

Start from the beginning

I shrugged. "I mean Alex and I have been living together for what, four months now?"

"About that, yeah."

"I mean if you guys wanna kick me out I know there's space for me else where."

"Don't be silly." Jamie leaned over and hit my knee. "You know we love you."

"I love you guys too." I smiled and raised my glass. "To the best fucking summer."

"Cheers." We all clinked glasses.

"Ready to rock and roll?" Matt looked at Jamie.

"What are you talking about?"

Matt nodded over to a group of girls. "Yeah, shall we do this?"

"You can spearhead this." Alex told Jamie. "Bella and I will be sort of behind you."

"Surely I should be spearheading this considering I'm the only single one?" Matt pointed out.

"You're the single dude." Jamie was the first to stand up. "I will lead this."

"You want to lead this?" I questioned.

"No, you lead this." Jamie told Matt.

We got over there and said hello to the girls but then we saw who they were talking to.

"Shut up!" Jamie excitedly hugged Francis.

"What the fuck?" I squealed and hugged him as he stood up.

Francis sent the girls on their way.

"Mate!" Jamie hugged him again.

"What are you guys doing here?" Francis queried.

"That's so sweet!" Jamie got childishly excited.

"You've just been hanging out with a load of chicks." Alex laughed. "What have you been doing?"

"I'm just here for a few days." Francis told us.

"Well, please come stay with us." Jamie pleaded. "100% come stay with us."

"I can't. I would love to but I have to go back and finish my book."

"You can finish your book at our place, stay with us for as long as you want." Jamie tried to convince him. "It'll be epic."

"No, I can't. I can't..." Francis repeated. "It's really kind of you guys but I just, I'm only here for a short while."

"So Matt, I'll fill Matt in." Alex said. "These two are like best buds back in the day. Boulle would lead Jamie astray quite regularly."

"What?" Francis looked mock offended.

"He's a very bad influence this guy."

"Please stay." Jamie begged. "You've got to stay. Come on 100%!"

"Come on!" Alex and I join in trying to convince him.

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