Chapter 1

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Evan's POV

"EVAN! WHAT THE FUCK!" Brock yelled because I "accidentally" slip my finger on the trigger.

"It slip... it slip" I said between my laughs. As the others started laughing too.

"REALLY? EV... I'm done!" Mini said seeing what prop I become. Apparently I became the same prop as him. But this stupid mother fuckers didn't notice me. I just laugh at him as Wildcat and Delirious laughed with me.We are playing prop hunt my team was Mini, Wildcat, and Delirious. And on the other was Nogla, Brock, Four zero and Basically.

Hours had pass and we stopped recording and start planning for the next week trip. Nogla and the others where they are on the other side of the world left and message them for any details.

"So guys I was thinking want to have a break from Youtube?" Tyler aka I am Wildcat said.

"Hell yeah!" Delirious said.

"What are you thinking Tyler?" I said.

"Why don't we go to my rest house in California? It was for my family vacation thing, and no one is using it so I think let's have a little vacation" he said.

"Sounds good. But Delirious here need to let his insanity out if not he will go crazy and kill us all" I joke.

"Very funny Evan. You can't get off your precious computer I bet that's all you are bringing" he said then laugh his insane laugh.

"Yeah like 'fuck clothes! Amma bring bessy' " Tyler laugh and joked with Delirious.

"Bessy? I don't name my computer like you name your cars Tyler" I said in a come back.

"Well I better get going I need to see what date should we can use the house." He said.

"Just not this week I have plans. For the upcoming vids I need to edit." I said.

Us three ended the call and I started working on my videos.

Jean's POV

I just started unpacking my stuffs. I guess I'm paired with my evil cousin Candy. "Okay you obey my rules and we don't have any problems" she said being a bitch and all. But on that she was wrong.

"No, follow two simple rules. And no one gets hurt" I said giving her the no look talk.

It will just make me puke. And I walked out of the balcony and saw a mansion right next to us and it was just right in front of our window. Whose mansion is this? and it was just same size as ours. Well we live here now. For some reason. Our parents decided that me and my cousins would be great to live with each other so that we can bond more. Than just see each other in holidays. I like it more that way. I can fake everything for a day and not for the rest of my college life. Yes I'm a college student. In a university here in California. I can't wait to finish this and get a job in Canada.

My sisters came.

"Hey! So how was the minute with the QB?" Nicole said.

"Jean where is Clarisse?" Jane said.

Nicole is my Twin sister, she is the total opposite of me. And Jane here is my little sister.

"Maybe still unpacking. And you two why would you guys leave me? Now I'm stuck here with miss QB here" I said.

"Well we didn't pick the room aren't we?" She said.

"Maybe they know what happen last summer." Nicole said.

"Don't remind me that I almost killed her that time" I said not literally.

We just laugh at the thoughts when someone went inside the room. We stop for a moment.

But it was Clarisse "I DON'T CARE!" she yelled then slamming the door.

"You okay?" Nicole said breaking our silence.

"No, she hates me talking to you. And they want me to stop to even be friends with you" She said.

"Don't worry we got your back. And besides I over hear uncle and we are living here until we finish our studies so we have the same school" Nicole said.

"Well that exactly. Jane and you has the same school while... ugh... Nicole and I have to go to college with Ms. QB here" I said.

"You know guys let's just play okay? I call dibs on the Xbox" Clarisse said.

"So guys let's play CoD" I said.

We all love playing this games. Uncle got what we all wanted just to make up come here. The boys has their own console. And we have ours. We have our computers. But the difference there was we all have straight A's while they got B's and C's not bad. We played and our name tags where. 'Scary Nikki' for Nicole. 'The Genie' for me. 'JheyBitch' for Jane and 'AgentClassify' for Clarisse.

We went into a lobby where as always Nicole was being flirted. But then again replying 'I'm a guy dude stay off I'm not gay. You fag!' She said we just laugh every time.

When unexpectedly we got into a lobby where the gamer tag was 'Vanoss', 'I am wildcat', 'H20 Delirious' and 'Mini Ladd' others I don't know about.

"Guys it's Vanoss and the crew." I said.

"Your right. Wanna wreck them?" Nicole said.

We all said yeah. Well we have a different team. And Nicole was dominating the battle grounds. We had our speaker on.

"Dude did we just got wreck by a girl?" Wildcat said.

"Dude that's sexist" Mini said.

They laugh not because Nicole was wrecking them it's because Wildcat is raging so badly. You can just imagine him every death a vase is thrown out the window. When the game was over they didn't leave my lobby.

"I gonna know are you a dude or a real girl?" Mini said.

'Find out HAHAHAHAHAH *Insert evil laugh*' she typed. She loves trolling people.

"Well play again with you some other time" Vanoss said.

"Oh no! If that's gonna happen I want her on my team" Wildcat said.

We just decided to say our goodbyes because our main maid. Or say it as our den mother said that our dinner is ready. While we are eating we heard a crash.

Real Life Game (VanossGaming and The Crew) -Currently Editing--Where stories live. Discover now