Chapter 25: Russou

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Location: Obscurity Forest, Night Kingdom - 1894 - 5 years later

Ingrid: 49 Keyton: 53 Casimer and Moxie: 21 Kamira: 20 Frederick: 37

Moxie had decided to stay in the forest after a few more visits, and while Casimer had just become Second Commander and was in the process of getting a cottage for himself, Moxie and Kamira still lived with Ingrid and Keyton. Kamira hardly ever got a chance to go to the fourth floor of the castle but she was asked to deliver some papers to the King. She checked the office but no one was there as soon as she closed the door again she spotted a maid walking down the hall. "Excuse but do you happen to know where King Princeton is?" She asked the maid. "He should be in his room, he typically doesn't come down until the afternoon." The maid replied. Kamira wasn't sure what to do since she knew paperwork heading to the king wasn't something she could leave lying around; she had to make sure she handed it personally to him. She made her way to one of the towers where the King's room was and after climbing up the stairs she finally arrived at the door.

As soon as she was going to knock the door opened. He stared at her trying to remember her name before giving up, "Who might you be love?" He asked, leaning on the frame of the door. "I... I um I'm Kamira I came to bring this paper for you." She said, trying not to stare at his shirtless body. "Oh, Thank you I supposed my brother sent them to me?" He asked, taking the papers and flipping through them. "No, they were sent by some representatives. It's about the festivals" She said, starting to feel hot trying to shake her head that revolved around all the rumors she heard of the king. "Are you okay dear?" He asked, noticing her flushed face. "Aha, perfect." She said as he put his hand to her forehead. "You're burning, come in and take a seat so I can cool you down." He said taking her hand and leading her in. "No, It's okay. You're doing the opposite effect." She blurted out and he stopped. "Oh, sorry I was waiting for someone else, by the way Kamira why have I never seen you before?" He asked, pulling a chair to get her to take a seat.

"I typically spend time training or helping with moving stuff in the armories." She replied, taking a seat. "I see then I suppose if I want to see you again I'll have to look for the trainees," He said moving her hair behind her ear. Before she could answer she heard a sword unseath behind her. "Step away Princeton." Frederick said as Princeton chuckled. "Ric, what are you doing?" Princeton asked, crossing his arms but amused at his angered brother. "Kamira go back home," Frederick said, firmly glaring at her. She got up quickly and went to Frederick's side. "Put your sword away, before I tell mom." Kamira whispered but Frederick didn't obey. "Go home now, I've told you to never come up here." He said. Seeing how angry he was she went downstairs to find her parent's.

By the time she found Ingrid they both rushed up and Frederick and Princeton were still fighting, The room was a mess and Princeton seemed to be losing Stamina until he was finally pinned by Frederick's sword. Even so Princeton laughed as Ingrid tried to keep other staff from getting a peek. "You're better at this then I thought Ric." Princeton said, catching his breath but Frederick didn't seem to be amused "Oh come on brother, why are you so pissed huh? I was just getting to know her." Princeton continued. "Don't, I don't want you to know her like the other girls in the castle understand. Kamira and Moxie are both off limits." Frederick replied holding the sword in place. "I can't say no if they look for me, unless you give me a good reason. Are they your new girlfriends?" Princeton asked. "They're my sisters," Frederick replied with a growl. "...They are what? No way your... hold up are you saying Commander Russou is your biological mom?" Princeton asked with his eyes wide. "No, Keyton is my father." Frederick continued. "Ah, the idiot? For real? No wonder I always had a familiar sense with him." Princeton continued.

Meanwhile Casimer was going around the forest checking the units to make sure the armories were being kept clean along with Moxie. "So you're really not going to a brothers party?" Moxie asked since they had been invited by Clarence to go and visit. "I haven't decided. If I'm not too busy I'll go but I don't know I just don't feel like making a fool of myself again." Casimer continued. "Not even for another possibility of seeing Odette? You know that day I saw a sparkle in your eyes that I haven't seen you have with any of the pretty girls of the forest." Moxie replied softly, shoving him. "You know what that's called?" Casimer asked, turning towards her. "Love?" Moxie replied shrugging. "No, Imagination. Yours to be exact. So stop with the fantasy you made in your head alright, It's been five years already and it's starting to get really old." Casimir continued. Moxie rolled her eyes and followed him.

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