Chapter 6: Leading

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Location: Obscurity Forest, Night Kingdom - 1864

A few months had gone by since Ingrid's arrival at the forest and she was starting to get used to the place. She finally had a place where she could be herself and do her own thing, and we'll much like the Guardian had said she made friends with quite a few people since. As usual she left her home to the training ground when she heard a bell ring from the castle. "Hey Remy, what's going on?" She asked, watching Remy facing the castle direction. "It seems like the Queen has had her baby," He said as others walked out of their cottages to see what was going on. Ingrid ran towards the castle to see if she could find Cornelius since he should be the one to know for sure.

Cornelius walked to the garden to get some fresh air when Ingrid spotted him. "Dr. Charice hey," she said running to greet him. "Ingrid shouldn't you be training?" he asked. "I skipped, joking actually I heard the bell announcing the baby's birth so I thought I would ask you what she had" she asked.

"A boy, his name is Lucius" Cornelius responded. "Isn't that ironic because you know Night Kingdom, Shadow Squadron, darkness kind of vibe" Ingrid responded. "A shadow can't exist without a presence of light, Even at night the stars shine, She has her reasons..." Cornelius responded. "Wow poetic as fuck, What would you name a kid?" Ingrid asked. "I already have one, his name is Clarence," he responded. "Oh damn, you're married, there goes my feelings for you, oh my delicate heart" Ingrid responded putting her hand on her chest. "... I sense sarcasm" Cornelius responded, making Ingrid laugh. "Yeah, I hope so, but wait if you're married where's your wife. Don't tell me she's from your imagination" Ingrid continued.

"I can assure you she's real, she's in Tiria. I'll be leaving for Tiria to be with her soon" Cornelius responded. "Oh, why isn't she here?... Wait, I know a personal question. So you'll be leaving the forest, who'll keep an eye on the Guardians' health?" Ingrid asked. "Ingrid, can I ask you to do so, can you keep a close eye on Naeva?" Cornelius asked. "What about Winston have you asked him, I'm sure he can," Ingrid responded. "No, you cannot trust him, he hasn't done anything yet but you can never be too cautious" Cornelius responded. "Why don't you two get along, I find your personalities a bit similar I'm sure if you two spent time together you can learn to trust him" Ingrid responded.

"No, I cannot. It's his fault, Naeva was like you she was bright, fun, a troublemaker, talkative and... she loved Owen more than anything the two were always full of surprises, you never knew what they would tell you or if they were joking or not, Owen trusted Winston and his brother till he got killed by them... You know how painful it was to see Naeva in tears, never in the past had she cried, I bullied her before but she never cried. When things didn't go her way she'd laugh but that day, she cried for Owens death. She didn't leave her room for weeks. When she finally left that room we thought she was herself again... we were wrong she talks and laughs but there's just something off from her. You would have become instant friends with her if she was like before but now she introduces herself not as simply Naeva but as her title asserting that she has more power then you. That's what Winston has created, I will never, you hear never trust him and if you're wise you'd do the same" Cornelius responded. "I see, sorry. I'll keep that in mind" Ingrid said.

"Sorry, I just need a minute." he said, trying to calm down. "No, it's alright I'm sure I'd be pissed too if you talked to me about Keyton, so how pretty is your wife?" she asked, trying to change the subject. "What?" he asked, confused. "Yeah, like on a scale from one to ten how pretty?" she asked. "Why do you want to know?" he asked. "Well if she's a five and above and has any sister's mind hooking me up with one?" she joked. "Excuse me? Wait are you..." he said not even knowing what else to say. Ingrid bursted out laughing "I'm joking Doctor I'm not really into any kind of relationship specially forceful ones, but tell me if I was also into women would you stop being my friend?" she asked, looking at him with a serious expression. "Um, well I suppose as long as you don't try to go for my wife... or Naeva we could still be friends." Cornelius answered.

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