Chapter 7: Tension

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As usual Keyton approached her as rude as ever trying to distract her while she trained. She grabbed her sword and threw it in his direction, barely missing him and getting the wall instead. "Hey, Watch it, are you trying to kill me?" he said, looking back at the sword then back to her. "Oh no, not at all it would have been a lovely mistake though, don't you think?" she replied tilting her head and smiling sweetly. "Ha, very funny. I was going to tell you to add me to the roster for the competition." he said, crossing his arms. "You were supposed to do that weeks ago we're in the process of making the groups for each event, now if you want to compete you have to be nominated as one of the best." she answered, grabbing a towel she brought. "That's why I'm here, you're commander, so a nomination from you should mean something, now add me" grabbing the other end of the towel.

"Not happening, I haven't seen you train so I honestly can't say you're any good." she answered by tugging her towel in hopes that he lets go. "It's called a favor. Remember you owe me from those times I've helped you escape in the past" he said, stepping closer. "I hope you know that's my sweat towel by the way, now about that again don't count on me to help you cheat so shoo shoo." she said but he still didn't let go instead with a smirk he pulled her closer, moving his hand from the towel to her hand, "I don't mind" he said moving his face closer to hers. Ingrid stepped on his foot making him step back in pain. "Ingrid!" Frederick said, bursting into the training room thinking he'd only find Ingrid, once he saw Keyton he shyly looked away as he quickly walked to Ingrid's side. "Yes, Prince Frederick?" She said as he took her hand. "I want to invite you to my birthday party, my mom said to invite whoever I wanted and I thought you might like to come... is he your boyfriend?" Frederick said quietly as Ingrid was leaning closer to hear him. "Oh him, no don't mind him he's an old pal of mine that became an asshole right Keyton?" Ingrid said, looking over at him.

"Not sure the Queen will be happy to hear the language you're using near the Prince" he said rolling his eyes still in pain. "It's fine she said she won't execute me, right Prince Frederick?" she replied, smiling sweetly at him. "How does someone become an asshole?" Frederick asked. "...Uh, um well you know when someone is rude you can say asshole instead," She answered as Keyton shook his head. "Frederick, your mother is looking for you, Ingrid, you shouldn't speak in that manner around Frederick." Winston said standing behind Keyton making him shiver. "I was just telling her that sir... I should get going." Keyton said quickly leaving the room. "I was just inviting Ingrid to my party, you're coming to right Winston?" Frederick asked, taking his hand and letting Ingrid's go. "I won't be able to make it, I'm sorry." Winston replied softly, placing his hand on Fredericks head.

"You won't? But aren't you with the Guardian at all times?" Ingrid asked, surprised at his answer. "I'm not welcomed in that circle of friends, it'd be rude to be where I'm not wanted" Winston said, still looking at Frederick. "Oh? So you'll be hanging out with friends that day?" Ingrid asked. "... Frederick run along." Winston said, giving him a soft push towards the door. Frederick went on his way leaving Ingrid and Winston. "So?" Ingrid asked. "You shouldn't pry into people's lives." Winston answered by avoiding her question. "Sorry, It's just I only see you with the Guardian or the Princes so I was just wondering, you know if you don't have friends I know plenty of people who are always happy to meet others," She said smiling.

"I don't need it. No, rather I don't have time to make friends. My priority is the Guardian and the Princes and that's all I need." He replied by adjusting his suit jacket. "Ah, then how about me? You know you and I usually work with the Guardian so well we might as well be friends right" Ingrid suggested. "...Sure, whatever." Winston said, starting to walk out of the room but stopping once he saw the sword stuck on the wall. "That better not stay there." Winston said, pointing at the sword. "Of course, no problem sir." Ingrid said, walking to take it off and saluting him with a smile.

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