Chapter 12: The End That Started it All

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* Reader discretion is advised this chapter contains content that some may find disturbing.

Location: Obscurity Forest, Night Kingdom - 1872 - 2 years

Cornelius: 30, Winston: 30, Naeva: 29, Ingrid: 29

Frederick: 16. Lucius: 10 Princeton: 8

With the wedding nearing the forest stayed guarded by orders of the Guardian despite the peaceful upcoming two years. In the mornings Ingrid would patrol around the border of the forest and check on the guards to make sure they weren't falling asleep. Once all that was done she would return to the castle for training with Prince Frederick though he was slowly starting to train with others his age the Guardian still wanted him to be supervised by Ingrid. The morning routine seemed to be going slower than usual. The guards seemed to have accounts of seeing something near the forest in multiple entrances so it needed to be investigated. They would always track down the culprit and end up finding a mas-o-cupo at the end of the trails. By the time she managed to return to the castle Frederick was already training and didn't want to disrupt it since he seemed to be doing well.

The Guardian was with Prince Lucius all morning and Winston with Princeton trying to teach him magic. "Ingrid do you know where we need to take the vase's for the wedding?" some maids said holding them tightly trying not to drop them. "The florist wants them all in the storage room out here they said they'll move em to the ballroom later," She said, taking one from one of the maids that seemed to be struggling. "Alright, mind leading us?" Another said peeking beside the huge vase. "Yeah no problem." She replied, starting to walk ahead. They finished putting them away and waited for Ingrid to lock up the shed. "Do you think you have time later this evening for a drink or two?" One said grabbing her arm. "For a drink I always have time," She said chuckling. "Perfect then we'll meet at the Santino entrance later?" She said looking up at her. "You bet," Ingrid answered as they began walking away waving back at her all giddy.

Just as she was walking back in the castle Keyton came up to her. "I heard a new bar opened in Terrana wanna go check it out?" He asked, putting his arm around her shoulders. "Nope, I~ already got a date tonight. You can go ahead and go with Remy. I heard he's in a drinking mood after his argument with his wife last night." She replied patting his back. "A date?! With who?" He asked with a glare. "No one you should worry about now if you excuse me, I got to go see if Naeva needs me," She said, removing his arm. "Then I'll go with you," He said, starting to follow her. "You need to go check on the trainees in the training grounds is what you need to do not follow me." She said. Keyton sighed and did as told. While Ingrid made her way around the castle looking for Naeva and the Prince's she heard a loud thud coming from upstairs.

She quickly made her way up the stairs once she got to the fifth floor she could see white smoke the closer she got to the ballroom she began to see Prince Frederick holding Prince Princeton back as Prince Lucius cried beside them. When she was getting ready to ask them if they were okay she turned to look at what they were looking at. Winston struggled to move the rumble from Naeva who seemed to be struggling to breath. She began trying to help him as he talked to Naeva trying to keep her awake. Winston stood up turning to see the boys crying. Princeton ran the sword pointed straight to him, Winston didn't move. As the sword penetrated him he still didn't move, Princeton however kept walking forward pushing Winston to the window and letting him fall from the fifth floor. Princeton looked back towards his brothers dropping the sword with blood dripping from his hands and tears from his eyes.

The trainees got distracted seeing the roof falling bit by bit while they wondered about the situation and guards rushed up. Keyton ran the moment he saw Winston fall into the nearby rose bushes. He looked up to the shattered ballroom window where he saw Prince Princeton standing glancing down with a sword in his hand.

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