Chapter 17: Home

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Location: Litayo, Night Kingdom

The day came when she would visit her family, in the carriage she got her makeup done and the hair extension before they left the forest in order to avoid accidents from the bumpy road and the others from seeing her walking already with that much makeup on. Once the ladies exited Frederick came in and joined her and Casimer. Keyton would meet them in another carriage midway where he would switch with Frederick since the people in the forest were quite noisy. 

Once at the midway point they exchanged, Keyton opened the door to where Ingrid was just getting the dress ready to change into. "Here, take little bear and wait outside for a bit." She said handing him Casimer as Frederick entered the other carriage. "Good luck with your in-laws." Frederick said, before closing his door. Keyton chuckled and waved at him as the carriage left, after sometime Ingrid opened the door. "Alright good to go," She said, trying to keep the long hair away from her face.

"You look beautiful," he said, unable to look away. "Thanks though I wouldn't say it's the most comfortable outfit, or shoes for that matter," She said taking a seat as Keyton came in still staring since he had never seen her like this. Even when she had long hair it was usually a mess now fixed into nice loose curls going down her back. "...You are Ingrid right?" He asked, a bit skeptical. "Yes~ though remember while we're there only call me Amina so start now." She said taking Casimer back from him. "O...kay" he answered before she pinched him. "Keyton?" She said realizing he wasn't fully paying attention to her words. "Sorry, it's just that you look different and I... Anyway you were saying?" he asked, shaking his head. "Call me Amina avoid Ingrid at all costs," she said in a simple manner. "Alright, I-I can do that." he answered.

Location: Soranika, Scales Kingdom

They arrived at the large mansion, she became more anxious once the carriage entered the property gates. "Are you okay?" Keyton asked never really having seen her like that. "I just never thought I'd ever come back. I think we should go home" She said, reaching to knock on the window of the coachman to ask him to turn back but Keyton grabbed her hand. "I'm here, I will stand next to you alright, Anything they try to do to you I will protect you like back then when you didn't know how to fight, I will fight when you can't alright." he said with his other hand on her cheek. "You better" She replied, trying to calm down as he chuckled a bit. The carriage came to a stop at the main entrance and someone came to open the door, Keyton came down first and helped Amina down. Once she stepped she stood tall arm and arm with Keyton while she held Casimer.

People from the staff recognized her and rushed to greet her "Lady Amina, you've returned," One maid said stopping immediately once she noticed Casimer, "Oh my you've got yourself a little one dearie" the maid said while the other tried to have a look. "His name is Casimer," she replied. "Where have you been all these years, your parents have been searching for you for years." another said helping bring down some of the luggage they brought with them. "I am aware, are they home?" she asked, glancing up at the mansion windows to see if she could spot them. "Yes, they were having dinner just now I'm sure they will be more than happy to see you and... your husband." she said, looking up at Keyton who seemed a bit intimidating. "I do hope so." she replied, giving Keyton a loving smile making his heart skip a beat.

They walked in guided by a maid as the others rushed to fix them a room. "It's really lethal being next to you," Keyton whispered, getting her to quickly turn to his direction. "Why? Don't die on me now," She whispered back while offering the maids and other workers around a sweet smile. "I'll try" he replied, trying hard not to laugh. The moment they entered the room where her parents were they stood up baffled. "Amina?" Her mother asked her to stay in her spot hoping she doesn't run this time. Her father stood next to her mother and glared at Keyton, "You've finally come to return her to us?" her father asked looking at Keyton. "I'm not returning her sir, we're visiting." Keyton replied standing next to Amina. "Where have you been dear?" Her mother asked, starting to slowly make her way to her.

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