Chapter 14: Surprise

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After noticing her armor was getting a bit small around her waist she made a small trip to the armory in unit two to see if she could find one that would fit her better. She was looking at a few things when she recognized Keyton's smell getting closer. "Well you don't visit my unit so often what brings you here?" He asked, leaning on the door from the armory's entrance. "Is it not obvious? I'm looking for new armor," Ingrid replied, raising a few pieces up. "Doesn't your unit have some?" Keyton asked. "Yeah but none my size and the one I have is getting a bit small for me so I thought I would search the other units," Ingrid replied, setting the pieces down and looking around a bit more.

"Armor doesn't get small, you're getting fatter, I noticed it the other day too." He replied walking over at her and pinching her arms. Ingrid elbowed him immediately and walked out, Keyton chuckled and started to look for some incase she missed any pieces. Ingrid went to a different unit and found one that kind of fit and seeing it was the only one she had found and didn't want to waste more of the day looking for it. At the end of the day she returned home just as she opened her door Keyton came running. "Ingrid!" He called out waving his hands to get her attention. "If you call me fat one more time-" Ingrid said, grabbing his collar as he got close. "I'm not, but the guys and some of the ladies from your unit were saying that you're pregnant," he said, taking her hands off and standing back a bit.

Ingrid stared at him blankly "I know it's gossip but I thought I'd let you know that at least me calling you fat isn't as bad as saying you're pregnant," he said, chuckling but Ingrid didn't seem to find the humor like usual. "Ingrid? Lady Amina?! Hello? It's a joke laugh?" He said waving his hands in her face just to get them slapped off by her. "Oh, shit that is not good that means... no not possible." Ingrid said, still in thought not realizing she was holding Keyton's hand as she walked into her cottage. "That'll mean what? Ingrid you do realize you can't get pregnant if you don't sleep with men right," Keyton said, looking back and forth between their hands and Ingrid. "That's the fucking problem Key in a ton... whatever it's fine.... Unless oh my gosh I need to talk to Prince Frederick." Ingrid said turning back around towards the entrance letting his hand go. "Wait?! what do you need him for! Ingrid!" Keyton called out running after her but like before he was unable to catch up.

She got back to the castle and went up to his office failing to knock. She swung the door open. "Prince Frederick, I am so fucked" Ingrid said startling him. "I thought you went home?" He said standing up slowly still confused. "I did but then I didn't anyway, I have a little issue." Ingrid said. "About?" Frederick asked, checking the grandfather clock in the room. "Well I know it might sound crazy but I think I need to make a nest and I want to say that if I get destroyed by the end of all this it should be sent to Cornelius." Ingrid said, catching her breath. "What? You need to build a nest? Ingrid, I know you like drinking but whatever you just took a sip off should probably not be consumed." Frederick said walking over to guide her to a chair. "No no, I haven't drunk yet. I wasn't planning on telling you or anyone for that matter but I might need your help so hear me out." Ingrid said looking up at him.

"Alright, I'm listening," Frederick replied kneeling next to her. "My real name is Amina Claire Russou from the Scales Kingdom, I am part dragon and there is a chance that I am pregnant but the issue is that if I am then it means that there is a possibility that whatever I have will be in an egg and I am presently unable to transform into my dragon form so~ that is going to be painful as fuck." Ingrid said with a serious expression. "... Okay, um how hard did you hit your head today?" Frederick asked, concerned. "Slightly but no look, I hadn't noticed but my belly is so round and my boobs are huge," Ingrid said pointing, making Frederick turn the other way flustered. "I don't want to... thank you... Um Ingrid let's say you were expecting how far along would you say you are?" He asked. "...Um, Six, seven months maybe." She answered.

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