Chapter 3: Us

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During the outings he would try to stay close to her but she would quickly leave him behind. The only problem she would have was when she would rarely be caught and Keyton had to come and get her out of that situation. This time the room had a strong smell and made it difficult for Ingrid to find the individual smell of people. Still she went in cautiously making her way through slowly clearing rooms for her group. She went further into the building to try to find the guards in order to keep an eye on them since smelling them clearly wasn't going to help this time. Because of this she didn't notice the guard behind her. She felt his breath behind her and tried to make a run for it but he grabbed her hair "Not so fast thief" the guy said letting her hair go once he had her by the arm. Ingrid bit his arm making him let go of her long enough for her to run. She ran alerting the others as they all began exiting the room carrying the items.

She turned back as the guard also called for their men. She turned a corner bumping into Keyton "They're behind me" she said, going to hide behind him. Keyton looked back at her while she held his arm. "Go catch up with the others," he said, hearing the others approach them. "What about you?" She asked, concerned. "I can easily outsmart them" He replied, taking her hand off his arm. "Tell me what to do, I'll help you," she said, making a fist and looking up for his approval. "...Alright, stay near the sides of the entrance and try to make noise to distract them while I get rid of them." He said signaling her to move. She did as he instructed as  he beat them up one by one. Ingrid watched amazed trying to pay attention to the movement.

Once the men were on the ground she stepped over them to get to Keyton, "You're like a fucking bear" She said, tripping on one of the men on the ground falling onto his arms. Keyton helped her up and pinched her cheek "Careful they may still be alive," he said, she looked down at the guy stretching his arm to get her ankle. Before he could get her Keyton pulled her closer to his chest. The same feeling came back to Ingrid, her heartbeat became accelerated and her cheeks warm, his arms felt nice. Suddenly the thought of her boss came back and she pushed him back, "Don't fucking touch me!" She cried out. Confused Keyton looked down, "Alright... let's go before the others mistake us for dead," he said, going ahead of her

They walked around during their free time to see which stores to target. "You know Ingrid I do think we make a pretty good team don't you think?" Keyton said, glancing over at her as she looked at a stand with quite a few valuable things laid out. "You're too slow... Would you teach me to fight?" she asked, stopping suddenly and turning to look at him.

"Fight? You don't need to worry about that, I'll fight for you." he responded with a cheeky smile. "I want to fight for myself. I was thinking of leaving the group and I... if I knew how to defend myself I would at least have a chance, so would you?" she asked again. "You want to leave? Why?" he asked, concerned. "For one our boss... doesn't pay anyone for their fair share and might I say rude as hell as well as the other guy's." "I see your point but if I teach you then I won't be of help to you," he answered, grabbing her hand. "Why do you help me anyway? Just because I'm the Shadow Thief or do you know something else about me?"

"Because I want to help you. You know it's unheard of a woman to do these kinds of things yet you do it despite being young... I don't know where you came from or why you ended up in this kind of job but I want you to have better. I agree with leaving the group but once we have some sort of income to care for us." He said as Ingrid pulled her hand away. "Pardon? I don't know where you have your head but that is certainly not where mine is. Listen Keyton, if I wanted better than this I would have stayed home or rather back with my previous boss and though whatever we do here is not necessarily the best means it's the only thing I know how to do". "I'm not asking you to learn something new... Ingrid won't you elope with me to a new place to start anew."

"I just asked you to teach me to fight what the fuck man?" Ingrid responded as Keyton furrowed his brows and looked away. "Fine, I'll teach you but cut your hair first it'll get in the way." He answered by starting to walk back trying to walk ahead of her but she would quickly catch up. "Alright, thanks." Ingrid answered at first not noticing Keyton's disturbed expression. Once she finally noticed she started to slow down a bit. "Um, so when do we start?" she asked. "Once you cut that hair of yours." he answered monotoned unlike his usual self.

The following day as the sun rose she cut her hair short and headed out on the jobs she was given though unlike before Keyton didn't seem too eager. They came back with the items and Ingrid quickly went up towards him after delivering the things to the boss. "So~ can we now? I cut my hair and we should have time." She said. "Sure," Keyton replied, giving her a quick glance since she had her hood on all day and he was just now realizing her hair. "Is something bothering you?" Ingrid asked, grabbing his arm since he kept walking. "Is something bothering me? Yes, Something is bothering me -" he said before she interrupted. "What is it? I'm sure we got all the stuff we said we would." She said before he tossed her to the side harshly.

Shocked, Ingrid looked up at him confused "What did you do that for?!" She said trying to stand up but he pinned her down "You wanted to learn to fight no? Best way to learn is while acting on it." he said, forming a fist. Ingrid began panicking as she struggled to get loose as he got ready to punch her. He stopped just as his fist was about to make an impact and loosened his grip on her. "I really hate that personality of yours" he said as a few guys came rushing by them. "The Lavine forces have found the hideout they're trying to break in!" Bai said as Keyton stood up pulling Ingrid up as well by the collar of her shirt while she continued trying to get out of his tight grasp.

The soldiers chased a few men through the hall, once they noticed Keyton holding Ingrid they pointed their swords towards him and commanded he let her go thinking she was probably being held hostage. Knowing he wasn't going to outrun them he released her as they arrested him and they walked to check on Ingrid. Still a bit confused at what was going on and how fast things occurred Ingrid stood there looking around at the men as they arrested more men that worked along with her and treated her with care asking her questions about her well being, how long she's been there and more for which she stared blankly.

Once they arrived at the Lavine's base within the Night Kingdom brought Keyton and Ingrid into the same room to question them about the situation. "What is your relationship with this man, young lady?" one asked as Ingrid glanced up at his direction taking a deep breath preparing her explanation before he began. "I kidnapped her a few days ago to make her my wife, I'm the Shadow Thief." Keyton said, glaring at her. Ingrid glared back about to explain herself she was yet again interrupted by someone entering the room. "We apologize if we've mistreated you in any way Lady Amina please come this way." The man said, extending his arm towards her as Keyton looked at her puzzled. Ingrid followed reluctantly to a suit with a few ladies there to help care for her.

"We've sent word to you parents of your location, they should be here in a few days until then please think of this as your home. We will take care of the men that have mistreated you harshly." the soldier said bowing before leaving the room. The ladies had already prepared a bath and some nice garments for her to wear. The room sparkled with the sun rays bouncing off the leaf gold on the walls and toiletries on the hairdresser. After her bath the ladies re-cut her hair to give it form and helped her dress. Once they finally left she threw herself on the bed in relief, once she began to think a bit more the more she began to feel bad for her group. She was still surprised by how Keyton had behaved, He was usually a brute and can easily be angered but she had never seen him like that. Maybe the feeling she had really was disgust or hate. She looked to the sides and noticed all the things she had in her room that seemed to be of good quality. She looked to the other side and saw even more valuable items.

She hopped up from the bed and got a closer look thinking of a place to stash them she heard a knock on her door. "... Yes?" She replied, glancing towards the door. "Dinner is ready, Lady Amina," One of the maids said through the other side. "I'll be right down." She replied by grabbing things and putting them in the drawer for the time being. She was back to being Amina for a while until she figured out a way out.

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