Chapter 71

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About a week later, 21 week pregnant  Meredith was covering the pit with Bailey.

"How's that bun in the oven Grey?" Bailey asked as they waited at the nurses station for a trauma to come in.

"Oh, he's good. I'm Hoping Derek can feel him kick soon. He's pissed that I can feel him and he can't." Meredith replied.

Bailey chuckled. "That little man will definitely make his presence known soon. When I was pregnant with Tuck, he would kick all day." She replied.

Meredith giggled and rubbed her stomach. "Cherish these times, meredith. It's a beautiful thing." Bailey said as an ambulance came racing outside.

They jogged out and unloaded the vehicle. "Matthew Polk, 33, car accident victim. Patient seems to have a concussion and a few broken bones." The paramedic says.

Merediths eyebrows raised at the name. Matthew Polk, Matthew Polk, why does that name sound familiar.

Then it hit her.

She dated this guy in high school for a few years. SHe broke it off during her pink hair rebellious phase.

"M-Meredith? Meredith Grey?" The man asked from the bed. "That's right. Hi Matt." Meredith responded. "Let's get him to a trauma bay, make sure his pupils are reactive." She said out loud.

They got him settled and made sure everything was okay with a CT. Callie came down from ortho and set his bones and castes him, and now he was just relaxing peacefully in his bed.

"So, Meredith Grey, a full blown doctor now." Matthew said with a smile. He was a sweet guy in high school.

"How are you? How do you feel?" Meredith asked. "Okay. I have a headache, but I also have a grade 2 concussion so..." Matthew answered.

"Okay." Meredith said.

"So, how are things for you?" Matt asked politely. "Oh, good. Works good, everything's good. What about you?"

"I'm lonely. I would hit on you, but with that baby in there, I'm assuming you're taken? If not then let me know." Matt smirked.

Meredith smiled shyly. "Married." She said  

"Oh, damn. Do I know the guy?" Matt asked.

"Derek Shepherd." Meredith responded. "Really? The nerdy, big hair guy?" Matthew asked in surprise. Meredith giggled. "Yes, him."

Derek strode right on in to the room and saw his wife and her ex high school boyfriend chatting away. "Hey Der. Remember Matthew?" Meredith asked with a smirk, deciding to torture him.

"Oh, yeah. Hi Matthew." Derek said without looking, checking his chart instead. "Your scans look fine, there's no sign of brain bleeds or anything." He said professionally.

"Good. It's been a long time, Derek." Matt said warmly. "It has." Derek responded.

After a moment, Meredith decided to stir something
Up. Her hormones were just itching to see angry Derek. "Well, I'm happy to see you, matt. These circumstances suck, but maybe we can catch up?" Meredith flirted poorly.

Matthew smiled. "Sure. Take a seat, mil-lady." He said. "Derek, do you mind leaving?" Meredith asked innocently.

"Actually, I'd like to catch up with Matt too seeing as we all were friends in high school." Derek replied, sitting down.


They chatted for A while, with Meredith touching his arm occasionally or flirting confidently. Derek was jealous. Very, very jealous.

Once Matt was finished talking, the two of them left the room and Derek dragged mereditj imto
An on call room and pressed his lips hotly against hers.

"What's wrong?" Meredith asked, batting her eyelashes at him and smirking. "Don't act all innocent now." Derek murmered, pushing her gently onto the bed and hovering over her.

"Are you jealous?" Meredith asked huskily. "Of course not. Just taking what's mine." Derek replied, kissing her chests.

"I'm not an object." She moaned. "I never said you were." Derek answered before ravishing her body.


"We should...have jealous sex more often." Meredith panted as they collapsed into the small on call bed.

"I was not jealous." Derek replied as he held her in his arms, Hands on her baby bump.

"You were too...admit it or your not getting sex for a week." She said firmly. "What?" Derek asked with an amused glance. "Admit it." She repeated.

"Fine. I admit it. I was jealous. But only because I don't like any guys, let alone ex boyfriends to flirt with my very beautiful pregnant wife." He admitted.

Meredith smirked. "Thank you." He said, kissing her gently.

A moment later, Derek gasped. "What....did you feel that, mer?" Derek asked. "Ye- you felt that too?" Meredith asked with a big grin. "Yes! That's my little man!" Derek exclaimed.

"Hi buddy, it's daddy. Keep kicking and getting big and strong." Derek said to her belly. Derek turned around when he heard a sniffle drom his wife and went to a look of concern.

"What is it?" He asked with a frown.

"I'm hormonal and you can feel our son move and you're talking to him." Meredith cried. "Oh, Mer." Derek sighed, taking her into his arms once more.

"It's okay. Let it out." He whispered as Meredith leant into his chest. "It's not okay! I hate crying!" She sobbed.

Derek repressed a laugh and held her closer.


Later that night, the two of them sat in the living room with a book of baby names open and Chinese food on the coffee table. Their favorite show to watch together, Judge Judy, was on.

"What about Sebastian?" Meredith suggested, shoving a teriyaki kabob into her mouth. "Sebastian Shepherd? That's a bit of a mouthful." Derek pointed out.

Meredith shrugged. "How about....Nathan?" She asked. Derek shook his head. "That's Nancy's sons name." He replied.

"This is too hard." Meredith whined. "Maybe we wait until he comes. That's what Lizzie did." Derek suggested. "I don't know." Meredith complained.

"We'll figure it out. Don't worry." Derek said calmly.

"I love you."

"I love you too, Mer."

Hey guys! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and hope your all doing well. This chapter is short, so sorry about that. If you have any suggestions for further chapters, please let me know. Thanks for reading!!

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