Chapter 50

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The next morning Meredith woke up feeling crappy. That was supposed to happen though, and was expected as Richard gave her and Derek the day off.

Derek woke up to a hot body next to him. He frowned and gently shook Meredith awake. "Mer. You have a fever." He said quietly.

"Hmm." Meredith moaned. She was obviously sick and she felt like hell. "Just sit up for a minute so I can change your clothes. They're drenched." He said.

Meredith groaned and sat up dizzily. Derek pulled her raggedy Dartmouth shirt off, revealing just her bare, sweaty chest.

But Derek didn't care about that. He grabbed one of his tshirts and pulled it over her. "You okay?" He asked. "Mm." She mumbled, pressing her head into his chest.

Derek changed her pants and went to the bathroom to grab her some Advil. "Here. Take these and we can go back to sleep."

Meredith took the medicine in a daze and collapsed back against the pillows. She got as humanely close to Derek and he pulled her close. And despite her shivering from the fever, she never felt warmer.


Meredith woke up again, with no signs of Derek in the bed. Meredith slowly stood up, her head spinning. She still felt pretty bad, despite the Advil.

"Hey! You're supposed to still be in bed!" Derek said with a smile. Meredith cracked a smile smile back. "I'm fine." Meredith replied.

"Sit down. I made some coffee and some oatmeal." Derek said. Meredith did what he said and curled up on the couch.

Derek came back a moment later and set the hot cup of coffee on the table and handed her the bowl. "How are you feeling? Advil help at all?"

"Not really." She replied. "This is normal, right? This isn't come deadly side affect or anything?" Derek asked worriedly. Meredith laughed. "No. Richard gave us the day off for a reason."

"Don't be worried Derek. It's just like the flu." Meredith said as she grabbed his hand. "I'm your husband. I have a right to be worried." Derek said with a smile, kissing her cheek lightly.

"I know." Meredith said. "How's Addie and Mark?" She asked.

"I texted Mark earlier. He said they're both feeling fine. You, missy, stayed in for too long and tried to be a hero." Derek said, pointing a finger at her.

"I saved the patients life. It was worth it." She shrugged. Derek smiled and shook his head. "Ah, and I love you for it."

"What do you want to do today?" She asked as she curled into his body. "You're sick. We aren't doing anything today other than relaxing."

"I'm okay. We can do soemtning." Meredith argued, holding in a cough. Meredith had to let herself cough, and looked at Derek with a sheepish expression.

"Yeah, no. Movies, food, and cuddling all day." Derek said. "Okay." Meredith gave in.

He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close to his chest. They both savored these moments. They were a very intimate couple, physically, but also emotionally. They loved holding each other and just being close to each other.

"How about Pitch Perfect?" Meredith suggested. "How about fast and furious?" Derek countered with a grin. "How about both? But pitch perfect first."

"Okay." He replied, kissing her. Derek put on the movie and held his wife close. It reminded him about the time they did the same thing, almost 10 years ago.


Merediths fever spiked again an hour later, so Derek gave her some Tylenol, which made her conk out on the couch.

Derek chuckled and paused the movie, before lifting her small body into his arms. He walked upstairs and put her down gently in bed. Derek pulled the sheet over her and kissed her forehead before walking back out of the room.

Derek stepped into the kitchen when his phone rang. "Hello?"

"Derek, it's Richard. Baileys here too."

"Hi Dr Webber, Dr Bailey. What's up?" Derek asked. "We just wanted to check in on you and Grey. Oh, and Mark and Addison are both doing fine as well. We can them earlier and their both feeling just fine." Richard said.

"I'm fine, Mer is feeling a little sick though. Just a fever and small cough." Derek replied. "That's normal. Let us know if she needs another day off. You too, Shepherd. She saved the patient." Bailey said.

"I'll let you guys know tomorrow morning. I think she should be okay, she's sleeping right now."

"Okay. Thanks Derek."

"Thanks for checking in. See you guys maybe tomorrow." Derek replied. "Bye." The two doctors answered as they ended the phone call.


Meredith woke up a few hours later, feeling 10 times better than before. She walked out of the bedroom and Met Derek in his office, where he was doing some paper work.

"Hey. Feeling better?" Derek asked with a smile. "Much."

"Good. You look better."

"Whatcha working on?" Meredith asked. "Just finishing some paperwork. Boring." Derek replied. "I can help."

"You can't sign stuff for me." Derek sighed. "Yes I can. I've known your signature for like 10 years. Hand it over." Meredith insisted.

Derek smiled and handed her half of the paper work. "Teamwork makes the dream work." He grinned.

Meredith giggled. "So corny." She muttered.

Hey guys! Wow, 50 chapters! My longest story!! Thank you to all who are still reading. Sorry for this short chapter, it's a filler. I hope you guys all enjoyed and if you have any ideas for future chapters please drop them. I hope your all doing well!

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