Chapter 10

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Meredith 20, Derek 21
(Derek 2nd yr college, Meredith 1st)
Meredith, Derek, Addison, and Mark were all hanging out in Derek and Marks dorm on a Saturday afternoon.

"Mer, how's your classes going?" Addy asked. "There going well. They are really easy to be honest." Meredith replied. "Show off." Mark scoffed sarcastically. "That's my girl." Derek gloated with a smile as he put his arm around Meredith and pulled her close.

A few minutes later, the school phone started ringing in the kitchen. Mark, who was already there, picked it up. "Hello?" He answered. "Hi. Is Meredith grey there?" A woman asked. "She is. Can I ask who's...asking?" Mark asked. "Oh. This is the deans assistant. Dean Michaelson wants to see her in his office stat." The assistant said. "Okay hold on." He said. Mark covered the phone speaker and yelled. "Grey! It's for you." Meredith got up drom the couch and took the phone from Mark. "Hello?" She asked. "Hi ms. Grey. Can you report to the deans office now?" She asked. "Um yeah. I'll be there in a minute." She said. She hung up the phone and went back to her friends.

"The dean wants me at his office now so I guess I'll see you guys later." Meredith said. Dereks brow furrowed in confusion. "Why?" He asked. "I don't know. I gotta go though." She said as she kissed his lips quickly and walked out the door.

"Mr Michaelson?" Meredith said as she knocked and opened the door. "Ah. Ms grey. Come on in." He said. Meredith took a seat in front of his desk and smiled awkwardly. "So, we have a few things to discuss." He said. Meredith nodded. "First off, your grades for this semester are phenomenal. All A's. Second of all, your professors are very impressed with your work. Third of all, we all discussed it and we would like to offer you the choice to transfer up into your sophomore year. Academically, you are way ahead of all of your classmates, and I know you hang out with Mr Shepherd, Mr Sloan, and Ms Montgomery." He explained. Merediths eyes went wide at this. "Okay. Would I finish my freshman year or transfer up as soon as possible?" Meredith asked. "You would transfer up as soon as possible. And as for dormitory, I believe Ms Montgomery is in a double dorm alone, so if it was okay with her you could move in there." He answered. "Okay. Wow. Can I have some time to decide?" Meredith asked. "Of course. Just let me know as soon as you make a decision." Mr Michaelson said. Meredith nodded and got up. "Thank you." She said as she left the room in shock.

Merediths mind was swirling. This was an amazing opportunity. She would be challenged more academically, she could be in the same classes as her friends, even live across from them if she moved in with Addison. She opened the door to dereks dorm and all eyes were on her.

"How did it go? What happened?" Derek asked. "Uh, the dean offered me the choice to move up to your grade. So I could be a sophomore with you guys." Meredith replied. All eyes went wide and a smile graced their face. "Really? You could be with us?" Addison asked. "Yeah. He said I was way ahead of my classmates academically and that they wanted to give me a challenge." Meredith replied. Addison jumped up and squeezed Meredith into a hug.

Derek stood up as well and enveloped her into his arms. "That's awesome Mer! Did you take it?" He asked. "I said I needed a few days. I wanted to talk to you guys first." Meredith explained. "What do you want to do? All of us are on board." Mark replied. "I think it would be cool to transfer up." Meredith replied with a big smile. "Yay!!! Congratulations Mer!" Derek replied. He cupped her face softly and planted a passionate kiss on her lips. "I love you." He said. "I love you too." She said with a smile. "Maybe that means if we all get into the same internship we could be interns together!" Mark said happily. Everyone cheered and nodded.

"What about your living situation?" Derek asked. "Oh! You can move in with me!" Addison exclaimed. "That's what the dean suggested." Meredith responded with a laugh.

Derek was really proud of Meredith. "I say we celebrate tonight, and we can move in you in and talk to the dean tomorrow." He suggested. Meredith nodded and smiled. "Want to go to Joey's?" Mark asked. "Sure. I'm ready when you are." Meredith replied. "I'm ready too." Derek said. "Me too." Addison said. "Let's go!" She exclaimed.

The group got to the bar and sat down. "Addy and I will get drinks." Meredith said as she pulled her along to the bar.

"So, what do you think of Grey moving up to us?" Mark asked. "It's awesome. I'm really proud of her." Derek said honestly. "You really love her, don't you?" He asked. Derek smiled shyly. "I do. I love her so much." He said. "She's a good kid Derek. I'm happy for you." Mark said genuinely. "Thansk Mark. Addison is a good woman too." Derek said. Mark smiled and the girls came back.

"I got your single malt scotch, and I got myself tequila." Meredith said as she handed him his drink. "Thanks." Derek said softly with a smile. "To Meredith!" Derek said as everyone held up their glasses and clinked them togetehr.

Meredith smiled and blushed. "We're proud of you Mer. And we can't wait for you to be in our classes." Addison said with a smile.

All slightly tipsy, they all left the bar and ordered a cab. "Derek, I can't wait to take advantage of you when we get back." Meredith slurred and chuckled. Derek, being the most sober out of the four, his face reddened and smiled. "Okay Mer." He said with a laugh.

They got back to their dorms and Derek and Meredith quickly went into the bedroom. "Those two are like bunnies!" Addison exclaimed. "Yeah, well we could be too." Mark said with a smirk. He lifted her into his arms and carried her to the bedroom.

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