Chapter 37

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2 weeks had past and Meredith was pretty much back to herself. She still felt sad sometimes, but she was feeling a lot better.

Yesterday had officially marked the first day of their 3rd year of the internship. Next year, they would all be residents. Time had flown by. It seemed like just yesterday they were just graduating from med school.

They arrived at work and quickly changed before hurrying to Bailey.

"Grey, Shepherd, why are you late?" Bailey asked sternly. "Uh, traffic." Derek offered as a sorry excuse for a lie. Bailey scoffed at the blatant lie. "We'll go with that. Anyways, Sloan, your on plastics, Montgomery your on OB, Shepherd, your on neuro, and sorry Grey, Nelson only needed one and you haven't been in the pit that much time. Go!" Bailey ordered.

Derek and Meredith parted ways with a kiss. Meredith immediately ran down to the pit and saw the ambulances driving up. "James Carlson, 36, major chest wound." The paramedic said. A screaming woman was taken away and the other paramedic had her hand deep inside the patients chest.

"Let's get him to a trauma bay stat!" Dr Burke yelled. They quickly got the patient inside and started working on him. "Hannah, why do you have your hand inside of my patient?" Burke asked. "It stopped the bleeding. It was the only way." Hannah said sheepishly as Meredith examined the wound.

"He needs to get up to the OR now." Burke announced. Everyone sprang into action and before they knew it, they were standing over the patient in the OR.

"Okay Hannah. I'm going need you to remove your hand very slowly. I'm going to cut deeper to get a better view. Grey, get all the gauze you can and try to stop the bleeding. Hopefully when the bleeding slows down, I'll get in there and see what's up. Got it?" Burke asked. They girls both nodded.

Right as Dr Burke was about to make the incision, Alex came bursting into the room. "Stop! Don't move that scalpel!" He yelled, panting. "Why?" Hannah asked, getting nervous. "Dr Burke, can I speak to you?" Alex asked. "Karev-" Burke started. "Now sir." Alex cut in firmly.

Burke walked over to Alex. "I think there's a bomb in the patients abdomen." Alex whispered. "Are you sure?" Burke asked as his eyes widened. "Almost positive. They were playing with cannons." Alex replied. "Okay. Go evacuate the other ORs if you can and I'll phone down." Burke said calmly. Alex nodded and walked over before Burke called Meredith over. "Grey, I want you to walk. Walk, do not run to the phone and call down and tell them we have a code black." Burke said sternly.

"A code black? What is that?" Meredith asked nervously. "There is a bomb inside of our patient. Go." Burke replied quietly. Meredith immediately wondered about dereks where shouts and called down to the lobby and told them.

The hosptial quickly evacuated everyone on that floor except that one OR. On the lobby floor, Derek was pacing up and down. He knew meredith was in there.

"I can't do this!" Hannah cried as the nerves began to settle in. "Hannah, calm down. You can do this." Burke said firmly yet with a soft touch. "Don't move." Dylan, the bomb guy warned. "I-I can't. I have to go." Hannah stuttered as she ripped her hand out and ran off. Everyone else hit the deck, but Meredith. She stuck her hand inside the patient. She couldn't let that man bleed out.

"Grey." Burke said in shock as he and Dylan stood up   "Do not move. Not an inch." Dylan said as he walked slowly out the door, walking back inside with a flak jacket. Meredith was nervous, hyperventilating. Why did she do such a dumb thing, she didn't know. Dylan secured the jacket around her torso and stepped back.

Dylan stepped out for a moment and talked to his colleagues. "Okay. We need to move." He said. "What?" Meredith yelled. "We're over the oxygen line. If this bomb blows everything and everyone will blow up. There's a vacant OR a few doors down." Dylan said calmly. "I-I can't." Meredith stuttered. "Yes you can Grey. And you will. Let's go." Burke said.

And before Meredith knew it, they were moving slowly, almost in the next OR. They rolled in very slowly into the next OR and it was time. "Okay Grey. Same thing. Once Dylan gets the bomb out, I'll do damage control. Got it?" Burke asked. Meredith nodded. Burke opened the wound even larger. "Okay, wrap your fingers around it slowly and lift it up." Dylan instructed. Meredith did so and the bomb was in her hands. She gently put it in Dylan's hands. "You did good." He said before turning and walking ever so slowly out the door.

For Meredith the shock was settling in, and she followed Dylan out the door, ignoring dr Burke's questioning. She watched Dylan walk down the hall, and watched as something exploded and he disappeared. The shock blew Meredith into the air and sent her on her back with hard thud, that being that last thing Meredith saw.

In the lobby downstairs was hectic. Time was moving slow for Derek, as he had been informed by a nurse that Meredith put her hand on the bomb. Not knowing if his wife would survive or not, he paced anxiously up and down the floor.

Then the floor shook and a loud bang was heard. Derek looked at Mark and Addison with wide eyes before bolting upstairs, despite everyone's protests. He  got into the floor and gasped. Rummage, everywhere. Dust flying, a pink mist in the air. "Mer?" He called out, his voice shaky. He walked along the hallway before rushing to the crumbled small form on the ground.

Derek frantically checked for a pulse and sighed in relief when he found one. "Come on Mer, wake up." He begged as he shone a light in her eyes, her pupils equal and reactive. Meredith shifted and slowly opened her eyes. "Der?" She mumbled. "Oh, your okay!" Derek gasped in relief. "Mm." Meredith moaned, her eyes closing. "Stay awake Mer. We're gonna go downstairs now." He said softly.

Derek picked her up, her soft whimpers of pain breaking his heart. He got on to the elevator and pressed the down button. "Ow." Meredith mumbled as the elevator jolted. "I'm sorry." Derek said as the elevator doors opened.

"Oh god, get her on a gurney!" Bailey yelled. Derek quickly and gently put her on a gurney and she was wheeled into a room. "I want her to get a CT." Derek said. "I know Shepherd. We're going now." Bailey replied. Meredith was now sleeping.

The CT showed a mild concussion, but nothing else. They wheeled her back to a room and Derek, Addison, and Mark all sat there. Meredith came around slowly and looked around, seeing dereks welcoming gaze. "Welcome back." He whispered. "Hi." Meredith replied.

After talking to Bailey, Derek was able to bring Meredith home. A very sore Meredith. Her body hurt head to toe from being thrown like a rag doll. Derek helped her into the house and into their bed. He got in beside her and held her close, but not to hurt her. "I love you." He whispered. "I love you too." Meredith mumbled back, her head pounding.

Hey guys!! Meredith can't catch a break! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter and if you have any ideas for next chapters feel free to drop them. Hope your all doing well!

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