Chapter 9

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Meredith 19, Derek 20
(Credit to @maya123468 for the idea!)

Meredith applied for 6 colleges. Bowdoin, Dartmouth, Boston University, Georgetown, Penn State, and Baylor. But the only college she really wanted to get into was Dartmouth. She wanted to be with Derek, Mark, and Addison. Turns out she has more friends at her boyfriends college than at her own high school.

One day when Meredith got home from one of the last days of high school, she had several letters in the mail. She grabbed them out of the mailbox and hurried inside to open them.

Meredith thought she was going to throw up in anxiousness. She tore open the first letter which was addressed from Baylor. "Dear Ms Grey, I am pleased to inform you that you have gotten into our college." It read. Meredith didn't even read the rest. She really just wanted to open the Dartmouth one.

After finding out she got into Baylor, Georgetown, and Bowdoin, but not Boston university, and penn state, with shaky hands she tore open the Dartmouth letter. Meredith read the letter and the words that stuck out the most were "You Got In". Meredith jumped off the couch in joy, happy tears coming to her eyes. She couldn't wait to tell Derek, but the only problem was how? She wanted a surprise, but she had to think of one.

Derek was finishing up his first year of college. He got to go home today for spring break and he was excited to see Meredith. Not only would he get to see Meredith, but he would be able to attend her graduation which was in 2 days. Mark and Addison were coming, too.

Mark and Addison were going to stay at dereks house for a week too. Derek drove all of them home and pulled up to house.

He opened the door and his mom came and threw her arms around him. "Your home!" She exclaimed. Derek hugged back tightly. "Derek!" His father exclaimed as he came over and joined the group hug.

After a minute, his parents pulled away and Derek introduced his friends. "Mom, dad, this is Mark, my roommate, and this is his girlfriwnd and my friend, Addison." Derek said. "Nice to meet you all. I made muffins earlier." Carolyn said as she brought all of them into a hug.

"So, Meredith graduation is in 2 days. Is she excited?" Christopher asked. "She is. I'm dying to know where she got in though!" Derek said. "Will you two be attending the graduation as well?" Carolyn asked, turning her gaze to Mark and Addison. "Yes. When Meredith visited for a few days, she hung out with us and she's pretty cool. I actually kind of love her." Addison said with a chuckle. Derek beamed in pride over the fact that his two friends liked his girlfriend.

"Invite Meredith over Derek." Carolyn said sternly. Derek chuckled and nodded, sending her a quick text.

Minutes later, Meredith arrived and rung the doorbell. Derek answered and opened the door, immediately enveloping her in a hug. "I missed you." He murmured into her hair. "I missed you too." She said muffled into his chest.

"Derek, move!" Carolyn scolded. Derek laughed and moved out of the way so Carolyn could hug Meredith. She wrapped her arms around Meredith and squeezed. Christopher joined in on the hug and kissed Merediths head lightly.

"So are you exciyed for graduation?" Carolyn asked. Meredith smiled. "I am. I'm nervous though." Meredith admitted. "Domt be. You'll do great." Christopher assured. "Mer, have you gotten anything back from the colleges?" Addison asked. Meredith shook her head. "No. I've looked a hundred times but nothing." Meredith lied. "Don't worry. Dereks didn't come until after his graduation." Christopher said. Meredith nodded and spent the day with the Shepherd family and Addison and Mark.

Graduation Day

Meredith was nervous. And by nervous, she meant extremely over the top nervous. She put on a nice black skirt and a Dartmouth tshirt on to surprise Derek. She decided that she was going to just open her gown and show him after the ceremony. She put her gown on and then did some light makeup and straightened her hair neatly.

She jogged downstairs and went over to the Shepherd family like she was told. "Meredith!" Derek exclaimed as she opened the door. He pressed his lips to hers and caught her in a passionate kiss. "I'm so proud of you." Derek said softly. Meredith blushed and smiled. "Happy graduation day Mer!" Carolyn said as her and Christopher descended down the stairs and brought her into a hug. "Thank you." Meredith said genuinely. "Let's go!" Mark said. "Congrats Grey." He said as he brought her into a side hug. "Congratulations Meredith." Addison said.

They all got into the car, the parents sitting in the front, Derek and Meredith in the middle, and Mark and Addison sitting in the back. Derek noticed Merediths nerves and placed his hand on hers to stop them from hitting her leg. "Relax." He said softly. Meredith nodded and smiled.

20 minutes later, they pulled up to the outside ceremony and Meredith parted ways, but not before Derek stopped her. "Hey. Relax Mer. You're going to do great. I love you so much." Derek said softly. "I love you too. Thank you for being here." Meredith replied. Meredith went on her tippy toes and kissed Derek quickly, then running off to meet with her fellow students.

Derek sat down in a row with the rest of his family and smiled in anticipation. "Do you think Meredith wishes her mom were here?" Mark asked. "I don't know to be honest. Probably not. My mom was more of a mom to her than Ellis was." Derek explained. Mark nodded in understanding and turned his gaze back to the stage where the principal started announcing names.

About 45 minutes later, it was Merediths turn to go. Meredith was sweating nervously. "Meredith grey!" The principal called. Carolyn brought out her phone to take pictures and Meredith walked up on the stage and grabbed her diploma. She shook the principals hand and walked off the stage with a huge smile. She disappeared back into the group of students.

"Look at this one!" Carolyn said as she showed her family and sons friends the pictures she took. "I've never seen Grey smile so wide!" Mark exclaimed. Derek smiled proudly at her and they continued to listen to all the graduates.

After the ceremony was over, Meredith made her way over to everyone and was greeted with hugs and congratulations. Derek hugged Meredith last, and kissed her deeply. "I'm so proud of you Mer. So proud." He murmured. "I have a surprise for you." Meredith said with a smile. "What is it?" He asked with a smile. She opened her gown and revealed the Dartmouth tshirt. Dereks eyes widened in realization, as did the rest of the shepherds and Addison and Mark. "You- you got in?" Derek asked in pure happiness. "I got in." Meredith confirmed with a huge smile. Her family, being the shepherds and her friends all smiled and clapped, while Derek swept Meredith up in his arms and twirled her around. "You got in!" He exclaimed loudly. Meredith smiled as he eyes filled with happy tears. Carolyn and the rest of the group may their way over and they all participated in a group hug. "We are so proud of you Meredith!" She exclaimed. Meredith had tears running down her face, for multiple reasons. 1, she got into her dream college with her boyfriend and friends, and 2, because she found her family.

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