Chapter 14

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"Thank for the food, tokoyami" I bowed in thankful for his generousity.

"Don't worry" tokoyami says and continued "just please do me a favor and.... not get into trouble with the guys"

"I make no promises" I proudly said which makes tokoyami sighed in frustration "don't worry i'll try my best-"

"Hey guys" lida and midoriya walked to us, carrying some drinks and both looked at us suspiciosly "i suppose you guys are both dating?"

Tokoyami maintain a stoic face, while i burst out of laugh. "That's the shittiest thing i heard this day, bhahaha"

Lida and midoriya looked at me as if i'm alright.

"Don't mind her, and no we both are not dating" tokoyami stated "we were discussing some personal business"

Business indeed, but more like a mission that my stupid brother ordered his train student to spy on me.

I wonder what i will do to him when i come home. My toughts were cut off when i saw a familliar male.

"Y/n!" Todoroki called while jogging toward us, panting.


"Some crazy woman approached to me and said that she'll eat me up while patting my back a bit hard, i was about to use my quirk at her but kirishima stopped me and said that it was just an expression... i was confused at his word but apologize to the lady immediately. a few minutes later the lady smiled at me creepily as if she is gonna eat me" todoroki shivered.

Me and Midoriya holded our laugh while lida and tokoyami stood there confused.

"Pffft... bahahahaha! and why did you tell me about this??" I asked

"Im serious" todoroki stated "she says that she knows you and looking for you" my laugh faded as i looked dead serious.

"Does this lady have wings?" I asked as he nodded "red wings?"


"That stupid bird! Imma kill him!!" I immediately dash away from them to the hotel.

I looked around and spotted familiarly someone sitting near the ocean, covering his face with a magazine and of course his face on the cover.

I stomped towards him which he noticed me going towards him, he was about to dash away only to be met by ground.

"So you've been spying my vacation huh?" I angrily said.

Keigo gulped at my words then he stood up and faced me."who are you??" He nervously smiled.

"Cut the crap keigo" he sighed in defeat and took off the black wig.

"Fine fine fine, so first of... i apologize at my behaviour" he paused "and for spying on you..." he paused again and then continued "i just want you to be alright and that i want to protect you from the disgusting creature crawling to you"

"They're my friends keigo, you can't make me get away from them"

"Look i am happy for you for having friends here... but not with boys"

"No you look here, you can't talk about them in all shitty words. I can have friends whatever i want. Your not someone who can control me" i stated every word.

"I am just tryin-"

"Your the wing hero: hawks!" Someone shouted which makes the people on the beach looked at him and started go towards him for autograph and pictures.

"If i found out your spying on me again, you will be the death of me...
go home" i frowned and walked away from him.

No one's Pov.

Everyone fell asleep on the bus, as Y/n is sitting besides bakugou near the window.

"Your brother is a fucking ass"

Y/n looked at him and sighed
"You heard our conversation?" She asked.

"Yup, and he's an idiot... though he just fucking wants to protect his lil sissy"

"He's a lot to handle for a older stupid ass brother... and also what do you think you may say that boom boom boy?"

"I have someone looked like a sister to me... and i kinda spied her from other boys especially from that bird brain, in the end she found out and shitty scolded me" he frowned at first but then his face fell in a sad one.

"Don't you dare talk this to anyone or even tell them" he stated at Y/n who prentended to invisibly zipped her mouth.

"Don't worry i won't" Y/n nudge his shoulder in a friendly manner... while someone who is watching them from afar their sit, is in jealousy that lingered on his face.

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