Chapter 10

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Todoroki Pov.

I'm relieved that Y/n is back to normal but felt a little sting, or maybe disappointment inside me.

I glanced at Y/n  and smiled... but soon frowned as i see the sight of bakugou glaring at me.

Soon the class was over, me and Y/n walked out the classroom to have lunch as always. But Mina immediately blocked our path in the hallway.

"Y/n, come sit with us today. It's been awhile since you hang out with us" she says as i looked at Y/n, waiting for her to reply.

"I'll hang out with you guys after class, todoroki-kun already invited me to lunch with him" my heart flutters as i am mentally confused of why is beating so fast.

'Am i having a heart attack?' I mentally thought.

"Bummer" mina pouted and wiggled her eyebrows at Y/n "wish you best in luck, todoroki-kun" she then walked away.

I immediately looked at Y/n and put my both hands on her shoulders
"i need to go to recovery girl, right now"

"You okay??" She asked worried which caused my heart flutters more.

"No, i think there's something wrong with my heart"

Y/n didn't asked further more questions as she immediately teleported us to the clinic.

"Huh? Y/n and todoroki what brings your here?" Recovery girl asked after she arranged her stuff.

"There's something wrong of his heart"

"Let me check" recovery girl grab an stethoscope and put it on my chest "There's nothing wrong, maybe it's just your nervous"

"Oh, that's great todoroki-kun" Y/n smiled in relief  "I thought you have an frozen heart"

"Frozen heart?"I asked as Y/n laughed nervously.

"Yeah, like in the frozen movie where the girl got her heart frozen by her sister, and that, the only cure was her first true love"

"Recover girl, maybe i have a frozen heart"  I immediately said to recovery girl who only chuckled.

"Or maybe your inlove, todoroki-kun"

Me and Y/n froze up.

"Wait, your inlove?!" Y/n exclaimed to me

"Well yes, i love my family except for my father" Y/n immediately deadpanned as soon as she heard my response.

"Well you two lovebirds go and solve this, i have business to do first" recovery push us out from the clinic.

"Oi, what are you extras doing" bakugou suddenly appears, glaring at me.

"None of your business, bakugou" i stated as he frowned in anger. "C'mon Y/n, we  need to go to the classroom first before Yamada sensei does"

"You go ahead, i have to talk to pomerenian"

I nodded with a hint of disappointment.

i walked away from them, And saw bakugou smirked in victory at me.

Bakugou Pov.

That cocky bastard thinks he's high enough "tsk" i looked at Y/n which  i softened my face at her.

"About the day-" Y/n started to talk but I quickly interrupted her.

"Eh?! I told you to not bring that up!" I blushed in embarrassment as I remembered the day i cried on her shoulder.

"It's not about that-"

"Whatever I don't care, let's walk together"

Y/n startled as soon she heard my statement "you?" She pointed me
"you, me? Walk together?" Her mouth gape in disbelief "what the hell happened to the bakugou i knew?!"

"Shut up, dumb ass!" I glared at her and begun to hold her hand softly dragging her.

But a light blinded me which we both already in our classroom. "Oi! Who says that you can use your quirk on me?!"

"Oooooh, kaachan" pikachu wiggled his eyebrows at my hand is in contact with Y/n.

"You two love birds, go to your sits"

I immediately let go Y/n hand and walked to my sit.

I startled a bit when i heard a slam on someone desk

"I apologize for my sudden attitude, but me and Y/n are the lovebirds"

Everyone is in silent as i shitty looked in drain.

Y/n blushed furiously and waved frantically at them "no no no, i think you got it all wr-"

"Woah man, didn't knew that you guys are a couple. Congrats" i frowned as i heard shitty hair comment.

"Congratulations you two" Round face shitty smiled at them.

"No, you guys-"

And soon, everyone started to congratulate them which i had enough.

"Don't worry kaachan,  There's plenty of fishes in the sea-"

"Everyone shut up!" I shouted in anger

"Todoroki-kun, you don't know what love birds are, right?"

Bastard stood with a stoic face not replying.


"Uhhh, no?" The bastard replied

"And that brings us, that we're not a couple"

"Bummer" Momo says and immediately blushed "I'm sorry, i kinda ship you guys"

"Oi, speaker-sensei go on with your lesson" I interrupted them.

Live (Bakugou x reader x todoroki)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz