Chapter 9

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Your Pov.

2 months had passed as bakugou seat is still empty, when i heard Pury is his cousin, my guilt rise up. I regret that I didn't took action and that my brother hasn't come home yet, which i also heard that Pury is his ex-girlfriend.

I also visited at bakugou's house, as soon he saw me by the door, he immediately hugged me, crying on my shoulder. "S-she looks lifeless" he sobbed as i only felt guilt and sorry for him. Not able to do anything to save his cousin.

I sadly laughed, as i am looking at my homework on my desk. Then tears stream down to my cheeks as i feel anger rose up to me, i gritted my teeth in hatred and guilt.

"I hate her for hurting the people that i only have"


Todoroki and i have been hanging out together and every-time he asked me something, i only responded a short answer.

"Y/n, has your brother come home?" Todoroki-kun worriedly asked, as i bite my lunch.

"No" I answered truthfully, not looking up to him.

I heard him slide something at the table, i then smiled as soon as i saw my favorite snack.

"Thanks" i looked up to him which he smiled back to me.

"Y/n" i looked at the owner of the voice, which shinsou is standing by 4 feet distance from me.
"Can we talk?" He asked.

I glanced back at todoroki who is slightly frowning at shinsou "you can go back first, I'm gonna go talk to someone" i say, and walked towards shinsou.

Shinsou and i walked to where there is less crowded students.

"About the incident" he stated as he scratched his nape "i told you that it isn't your fault, you need to forget about it. I'm really worried for you
Y/n, and if you didn't ordered us to-"

"Did you heard that Pury just died yesterday?" Me and shinsou widened our eyes in shocked.

I looked at the student who is talking to her friend "did i hear it right? Did Pury already passed away?" I asked as they told me all details.

"Thanks" i thanked them and said good bye to shinsou who was trying to stop me.


When i got home, i teared up. Seeing my brother curled up on the floor.

I inhaled and exhaled softly, "i heard everything" i said softly to him "Keigo please stop this, I don't want to see you like this. I understand you tha-"

"WHAT DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!?" I startled as keigo stood up "You only make everything worst!! I have already tons of problems in my mind!! And you think you UNDERSTAND THAT!"


"You know what?!" I smiled, tearing up "i am done, i made a wrong choice of what i am today now. Everything is always my fault, Dad abandoned me for having no wings like you, while mom didn't care for her daughter taking her to the cold empty streets" i sobbed and looked deeply at my brother's eyes who softened "All i wanted is someone who will love me deeply" i whispered and walked out, slamming the door behind.

"Y/n" i heard him call me but i already teleported to the place who i always visit.

"What am i going to do now?" I mumbled to myself as i felt a hand on my shoulder, at first i was scarily startled but suddenly surprised seeing dabi.

I immediately hugged him as he is like a big bro to me "I want to go back to the league" i say as he pushed me softly and looked at my face, he wiped the stain on my cheeks and smiled.

"Your lucky, you know that" he paused and continued "you still have someone by your side, while I don't have anyone anymore. I don't want to go back to my original family cause they all me messed me up like shit"

"You still have me dabi" i said as he just chuckled sadly

"No, you have someone already" he corrected "You choose home Y/n, go live a normal teenage life. Don't be a shit like your brother"

I laughed softly at him as he looked at the city where the lights starting to turn on.

"You need to go back, this is goodbye" my eyes widen as he i heard his statement.

"Wait wha-" and with that he already dashed away. As i was trying to follow him, i already lost track of him.


As i got inside the penthouse, i was engulfed by a hug. "I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry" keigo cried "i really don't know what's gotten to me"

"Don't worry, i know you are just having your period" i said while patting his shoulder.

He chuckled and ruffled my hair "can you forgive me?" He pouted.

"Nah, give me (favorite meal) first"

He nodded eagerly and immediately called a delivery.


"I'm glad you're back to your old self" todoroki sighed in relief.

"Are you really that relieved?" I asked as he tensed up a bit.

"No, it's just that you-"

"I'm just playin todoroki-kun" i nudged his shoulder which he looked at me confused.

"What are you playing? I don't see anything of what you are playing" he bluntly said.

"It's just an expression-"

"Oi! You both are blocking the path!" Bakugou yelled pushing me and todoroki apart.

Bakugou's Pov.

That icy hot think he can get away with this, i slowed my paced down just to be infront between Y/n and hot & cold.

I sent a glare at icy hot who is looking shitty coldy at me. I then glanced at
Y/n who is staring at me.

"WHAT ARE YOU STARTING?!? YOU DAMN LIL SISSY" I yelled which she grinned evily.

"Nothing, just remembering the time you-" I interrupted her by yelling at her again.

I glanced back at icy-hot who is frowning at me. "Bakugou can you walk  a bit faster?" He stated which i smirked knowing his jealous.

"HUH?!? Who do you think you are ordering?!"

"Sorry, i thought you are the wcdonalds?" (I thought you're a clown)

I heard Y/n hold her laugh, as I immediately glared at her which she ran away from me.


Live (Bakugou x reader x todoroki)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz