Start from the beginning

"I didn't say that." You responded. She chuckled giving you a peace sign. You rolled your eyes playfully and continued what you are doing. After minutes of fixing your own. You and Emma head at your car right away.

"Yuzuha chatted me. She's going to buy something before we head back at your residence." You went inside the car and pull it out on the driveway.

"It's fine. The boys can wait though since I'm the one who's going to by the foods." Emma then opened the radio for music. Both of you were just singing until you guys reached Hinata's place who's perfectly beautiful in off-shoulder peach dress.

"Woow, where'd you bought that one?" Emma examined Hina's dress. An embarrassing chuckled went out on Hina. "Mom bought this to me last week."

"You look fairy on that." You uttered.

"Guys stop, it's embarrassing." He shyly said which make you and emma laugh.

"I would be bitch if someone would compliment me." They just laugh at you until you guys reach Yuzuha. Before you guys could go, she scolded Hakkai first and changed her mood when she reach the door of your car.

"Hey guys! Gonna be high today or nah?? Let's go buy something at the store first." She chattered. You silently drove the car while they were talking nonstop.


After you guys bought foods and some drinks (juice and soft drinks) you headed at the Sano's residence. You parked your car while they were excited to get out. As you get out, a loud hissed filled your ears.

"Why you all are so late!!! I'm so hungry!!" You look at Mikey who's like a lion who got escaped from it's cage. "Two hours and a half!! My tummy's been roaring until now!!" You chuckled a little. A stress lion.

"Chill, I know that you'll be hungry so I bought you taiyaki." Emma handed him the plastic bag that contains his food. His mood change quickly and ran inside their home.

"That's Manjiro on the house." You chuckled and helped to get the foods inside the trunk.

"Hey, need some help?" You look over your shoulder to see Smiley. You give him a smile. "Sure." You responded. He took the plastic bags on your hands and both of walk in unison.

"You girls are late." He started. "Then sorry about that." You say and chuckled.

"It's fine though, but really, Baji and Mikey's been so pissed for waiting." Both of you let out a soft chuckle and finally get inside Mikey's room.

Rindou's POV

I pushed the fucking stripper on my lap and quickly stood up from the chair.

"That hurts, Rindou." I glance at the bitch who's now standing. "The fuck I care." I blurted out and walk out on the room. Fuck that Hanma getting me a touchy stripper. I walk down the club stairs while lighting my cigarette. I sipped on it out of my frustration. The fuck!! I'm so pissed right now! Who the fuck told Y/n about the Toman's mess and fucking blame me to something I didn't do. How the fuck that shit got into her? Damn it, that woman even slapped me hard. I didn't even fucking know what's happening on them.

I coldly sit on the stool bar and drink the tequila I left earlier. I puckered and ask for another one.

"Woah! You fine man?" I glance at my left side to see Hanma. "Fuck off!" I roared. I once drink at the tequila never minding the bitterness on my mouth. I want something. I want something than this.

"Can you just give me the bottle of that tequila." The bartender give me the bottle quickly. He's fucking scared. Yeah, anyone should be fucking scared for messing the hell out of my business.

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