Gender-Swapped Sleepover

Start from the beginning

"Mm." She grunted. "I like these," he gestured at her cargo pants. "they have a lot of pockets."

"UGH I KNOW RIGHT?! I have these sweat pants with HUGE pockets, it's awesome! But I can't wear them cause it's SO hot out..." Winnie perked up with a gasp. "Supes, We should get you some shorts!"


"Yes! I mean, I've got these." She gestured to her shorts, fashioned from cut-off red jeans. "And Robin has these great little green shorts- she almost never wears them because mommabats, but..." The redhead briefly lost her train on thought. "OH! We need to get you shorts, right?"

"You'd look soo good in jean shorts! Or a leotard!" Macson exclaimed, shifting into his best, slightly wonky, female human body, and trying on a few outfits.

"I like my clothes." Constance went back to ignoring their attempts.

The zetatube hummed to life behind them. "Hey guys!"

Winnie jumped off the couch. "Robin! You made it!"

"Yep! B took a LOT of convincing, though, she was worried we would be screwing or something!"

"Aww, we aren't?" The speedster joked.

"Shut up!" The bird shoved past her, grinning. "Hey 'pollo, Macs, Connie."

"Hey." Apollo slid off his headphones for a second. "You bring the stuff?"

"Yep!" Rickie opened her bag and pulled out a box of ice cream bars. "KF, pop that in the freezer, will ya?"

"Just don't pop any in your mouth..." The archer muttered.

"RUDE." Winnie suck her tongue out.

Rickie snorted, high-fiving Apollo, and flopped on the couch next to him. "How's Dad?"

"Mm." Apollo shrugged. "Same old. It was his birthday yesterday, and JayJay dropped off a gift."

"Oof." She replied.

"It was a high-tech wheelchair upgrade. He definitely stole it, but at least he left a present, Mom didn't even do that!"

"Ouch." Rickie didn't know how to reply. "Hey Kelpy!"

"Hello, Robin." Kell replied, reentering to the room, padding her hair dry in a towel. Her hair was extremely heavy on land, especially when it was wet; it was only manageable because Reyna hooked her up with a friend's sibling who could braid. "Are you excited for our sleepover?"

"Totally! This is my first-- not counting the ones with Winnie and Reyna when our mentors were working. I've been asking for one with my friend Brendon, but Bats is SO worried about mixed gender sleepovers..."

"At least she cares." Connie squirmed uncomfortably, her brow furrowed.

"Right, Let's change the subject." Apollo asked. She ignored him, but adjusted her weight and wrapped her arms around her waist, looking slightly pained.

"All good at applewood, Con?" Winnie asked. "Hey Rob, wanna pick the first movie?"

"Sure! I brought that old Grey Ghost* movie from '89! It's so campy and dumb, you'll love it!"

"Oh, I think I saw that when I was little!" Apollo exclaimed. "I can't remember if it was at the Ikea daycare place, or if a babysitter made me and Jay watch it, but I vividly remember the bad puns..."

"You must be thinking of GreyGhost Forever, the second sequel." Robin explained. "Don't worry, I brought the entire quadrilogy!"

"Oh yeah, they're the worst!" Winnie agreed, leaning against the shortest girl. "It's great, I highly recommend them, unironically!" She said ironically. "Marathon night?"

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