Chapter 1: In The Mansion

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Part 1: Noir's Reign

Location: Soranika, Scales Kingdom 1845

It was getting hotter as the summer officially began and the most awaited day had arrived for the Russou's when their baby would be born. Much as they had hoped for they had a little girl. One they thought would be graceful, kind, beautiful, and calm, however as the little girl grew up they realized that it was not necessarily all they had hoped. The girl grew everyday further away from their expectations. She was loud and oftentimes had to be reminded of her manners during events. Though perhaps an energetic child wouldn't be a problem or much of their behavior, the Russou's were a family of highly respected nobles and they were expected to act properly. At the age of three their young daughter was to start all her lessons on how to act like a proper lady since they would meet the royal families at some point in their lives.

In the Scales Kingdom there were dragons and now though still frightening due to the magic of the Gaspeite gem in Soranika the dragons were able to transform into a human in order to interact with the new occupants of the land. The Russou's were an example of how they are trying to keep the peace between the two clans. This meant more trouble to them in educating their daughter since now they had to also deal with the dragon part of her. With the bracelet that connected to the gem she was able to transform into a dragon whenever she wanted though whenever she wanted wasn't necessarily the most appropriate. She would transform in order to escape her lessons or her nannies. She would always be scolded by her father since they had forbidden transformation in the house.

Location: Soranika, Scales Kingdom 1859

Age: 14

As she got older she became more reserved, trying to please her parents. They saw it as her maturing and were quite content. The King of the Scales kingdom was to hold a party for his children and had invited all the nobles in the Kingdom to attend. Of course the Russou's were invited.

They arrived at the party "Now Amina dear, please do behave alright." Her mother said as they climbed down from the carriage. "Yes mother." She responded following behind. As they walked to the entrance of the reception she could hear some of the others talk. "The king will be choosing marriage partners for his children soon," "What do you think is his way to pick out candidates?" two ladies gossiped as they covered their faces with their fans. "... Father, is that true?" she asked, trying to keep up with her father's steps.

"Amina, we've told you not to eavesdrop on others." Her father said with a stern tone. "But father they are speaking quite loudly I'd hardly consider it eavesdropping," she responded as the ladies glanced their way. "Enough! you agreed you would behave." Her father continued, she lowered her face and slowed down as her parents carried on their way. Once her parent's entered she stopped walking as others passed along her. She looked back towards where the carriages were arriving and started walking back. She thought she'd stay there until the party was over but it would be very difficult since there was hardly anywhere to sit. "Shouldn't you be going in or are you waiting for someone?" a guy with curly blue hair and matching eyes asked, he seemed to be a magic user from an outer kingdom. "No, I just don't like event's like these. I hardly know those who are being celebrated so it would be awkward.'' She responded, fidgeting with the lace of her dress. "I don't think that was my question but alright." he replied, glancing towards her.

"Sorry, I have a habit of talking too much and you? You don't seem eager either." she said, noticing him standing on the side with her. "The rest of my family was busy so I was sent to represent them." he responded by putting his hands in his pockets. "Oh... what family? I don't think I recognize you from one of our nobles from our kingdom." She said, glancing up. "...I lied, I'm representing two actually... but I don't think I'm allowed to say," he responded. "Are you from the Abbott Kingdom?!" she asked. "No... I'm representing the Night Kingdom as part of the Wind family. They're closing the doors so I should get going and you should as well if you plan to attend." He said, glancing towards the entrance where the guards waited to close the doors.

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