46| Addiction

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"Listen to me my Hani, you know I really love you and would get to any length for you okay, please stop this." Amir said calming a crying Hanifa.

"How do you expect me to calm down Mir, your family won't allow you to marry you, I'm going to lose you forever now!" Hanifa said and burst more into set of new cries.

"Calm down baby, you are mine and i am yours, In Sha Allah , we will get married, stop crying please, it breaks my heart please." Amir said watching the love of his life's body shaking with cries. He gave her his handkerchief which she collected and wiped her tears before narrowing her eyes at him.

"I've got an idea , if they won't agree baby, wanna know?" Hanifa said with enthusiasm. Amir's attention is now solemnly on her eager to hear what his lover wanna say.

"Let's just elope and get married." Hanifa said looking at him eagerly wanting to hear his response.

Amir was awestruck for a moment but quickly recovered and faced her. "No baby, this is not a good idea, now let me ask you something, will our marriage be blessed without the concert of our elders?" He asked looking at her.

That was when the reality hit her, how can she be so stupid to even suggest that? She guess she watches indian films way to much to come up with such an absorb idea. Oh Allah! Please forgive me. She thought.

"No Mir, and I'm sorry for saying that , don't know what got into me actually, i just can't bear to live without you." Hanifa said with a pout, which made her look more cuter than she is.

Amir smiled before saying. "How can i even dare to stay angry at my queen?"

She laughed. "But Mir , I'm really worried how can you convince them now?" She said worried.

Amir kept quiet for a moment thinking of the 101 ways to convince his parents to allow this marriage, for goodness sake , what's Hanifa's fault in what happened.

"Leave that to me baby, i will tackle it In Sha Allah, now please do me a favor?" He asked smiling at her showing his white pearl teeth.

"What?" She asked looking at him.

"Would you please stop worrying yourself and leave this matter to me , i will handle it In Sha Allah my love." Amir said smiling at her. Just looking at her melt his heart in a way he can't apprehend. He really loves this pretty damsel standing beside him. Dammit.

"Promise me you would handle it well then?" She said with a pout.

"I promise baby." He said smiling at her.

"Okay then bye, take care." She said flashing him that her killer smile.

"Bye, love you." He said and entered his car before zooming off.

"Oh ! This one is just perfect right Dinah my love?" Hajiya Aisha asked Dinah showing her a fabric. They are in the parlor , the woman who sells the fabric came to show them many varieties so they would pick.

"Oh yes Aunt, it's amazing." Dinah who has been feeling uneasiness manages to say. It's time to take her drugs and she hasn't taken them. Of course her body would react to that, and she doesn't know how to excuse herself and leave the parlor to go take her drugs.

And everyone's attention are on the fabrics the woman is showing them. 'Oh Feenah just look up." Dinah thought. If she should get Feenah's attention towards her, she would signaled her, but darn it the woman's attention is somewhere else and she has no phone with her to message her with.

"Oh Aunt , I'm coming just a minute." Dinah said and was about to stand up when Rayhana held her hands.

"Where are you going, you suppose to be here to choose what you want dear, you're the bride remember." Riri said.

"Yes." Dinah said and nodded her head.

The woman left shortly after and Dinah finds an opportunity to go, she was about to stand up when Hajiya Aisha held her hands, she stood up and gave her a side hug smiling at her before saying.

"Let's go have dinner my love, the men are waiting for us."

"Um.. sure Aunt." She said and they left to the dining table, there they met Alhaji Abdulmanaf and Faisal discussing office issues.

They sat down Dinah still feeling the uneasiness more than before, her head started pounding and her whole body started to shake but nobody noticed.

"Um excuse me Aunt, i need to go." Dinah said standing up grabbing the attention of all , Faisal looked at her and look away, he still can't believe he's getting married to her.

"Where are you going dear?" Hajiya Aisha asked.

Dinah held her head which is pounding so hard and smiled at her Aunt before saying. "Well... i need to use the bathroom, will be back soon."

"Okay my dear." Hajiya Aisha said and smiled at Dinah, Dinah smiled back and hurriedly left to her room.

She made her way straight to her drawer and took her drugs, she spilled some amount in her hands before swallowing them all at once. After that, her head stopped pounding and her body felt relaxed. She threw the bottle on the floor before slumping onto the bed and sleep overtook her.

Manage the chapter please, dealing with a massive writer's block😩🥺and it's so freaking annoyingggggg.

Anyways, show some love by voting sharing commenting and following🥺.

Promise to update another chapter as soon as I'm out of this😩🥺.



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