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The appearance of the Volturi alone sent shivers down Lizzie's spine. She stood in the tree-line with the wolves, watching as the line of black surged forward from the opposite side of the field. There were so many of them. Far more than she'd ever thought there would be. Lizzie supposed Aro predicted she wouldn't be too keen on accepting his offer.

Paul nuzzled his face into Lizzie's arm, and she tried to send a confident smile, but she couldn't hide her fear from him. As much as she had trained, fought for this, she was nervous. An entire army of thousand-year-old vampires was a lot to take in.

"The redcoats are coming... the redcoats are coming." Garrett mumbled to himself, bouncing on his heels as he cracked his neck. Stefan and Vladimir both wore sinister grins, hoping, praying that this would get ugly.

The wave of black cloaks parted, Aro, Caius, Marcus, Jane, Alec, and their company walking through. The blood red lining of their cloaks shone bright against the snow, their pale faces perfect portraits of perniciousness. Irina walked with them, her face shocked and slightly hurt at the sight of her sisters standing on the other side.

Sam turned back to nod to the pack, slowly walking forward, their eyes bright with determination. Paul nudged Lizzie forward and she walked with them, stalking out of the forest. They lined up with the vampires, taking positions. Lizzie walked to the front, Paul on one side, Bella and Edward on the other.

Aro took off his hood, and Carlisle stepped forward.

"Aro. Let us discuss things as we used to. In a civilized manner." Carlisle suggested. Aro's lips parted in an adder's smile. 

"Fair words, Carlisle, but a little out of place, given the battalion you've assembled against us." He replied.

"I promise you, that was never my intent, but you've threatened our treaty, our agreement with our shapeshifting neighbours. There were no laws broken. The wolves have had knowledge of our kind since the beginning." Carlisle assured. 

"The girl is there, Carlisle. Do not treat us as fools. She is not a shapeshifter, and the treaty is no concern of ours." Caius snarled.

"The shapeshifter's imprints fall under the treaty just as well. They have done no harm to us, nor to the exposure of our kind. Our secret is safe, and will continue to be." Edward stated.

"Artifice." Caius snapped. Aro held up his hand.

"I will collect every facet of the truth. How can you prove this woman is no threat to our existence? We could be so kind to extend our offer to the others..." Aro trailed off. Sam took a step forward, releasing a low growl that would make the strongest of men tremble.

"See for yourself." Carlisle offered. Lizzie made to step forward, but the smallest of whines coming from Paul made her stop. She turned to him with a small smile. 

"Bring the wolf as well. I need to see if the words from the others will hold true." Aro ordered. Sam stepped forward, nodding to Paul and approaching Aro beside her, his hulking black form making her feel a little safer. Aro smiled brightly, extending his hand to grasp her own.

He inhaled deeply as she came closer, his bright eyes flaring. His skin was icy, and Lizzie knew he'd been dead a very long time. The vampires recoiled at the scent of the wolf, but Aro stood, using his ability to see into her mind. It was a worm, invading her thoughts, ripping them out for him to read, none of her life private to her own mind anymore. 

Looking into her eyes, he could see the honesty to her thoughts. She would not expose their secrets. His gaze flicked to Paul knowingly, before he moved over to Sam. He placed his hand on the wolf's forehead, Sam growling slightly. 

𝒔𝒊𝒍𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈 ☾ 𝒑𝒂𝒖𝒍 𝒍𝒂𝒉𝒐𝒕𝒆Where stories live. Discover now