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"Really, Mom? Is this necessary?" Elizabeth groaned as her mother dragged her out the front door and toward their shared pickup truck. 

"Relax. It's a win-win...win situation." Olivia assured as she packed her daughter into the truck. "You get to see your friend again, Billy and Jacob get a ride home, and Bella gets a new truck." Elizabeth rolled her eyes. Sure, she'd go pick up Billy and Jacob, but she had little interest in seeing Bella again. Not that she had anything against her, but Elizabeth was always a little hot-headed, and was known for holding a grudge like no other.

"Lose-win-semi-lose." Lizzie corrected as she pulled the door shut. Her mother leaned through the truck's window, resting her head on her arms.

"Sure, honey. At least lose with some dignity." Her mother suggested, getting up and patting Elizabeth on the cheek. Lizzie scowled as she started the truck, and her mother gave a short wave as she pulled away. She'd have to drive straight to school after dropping Billy and Jacob back at LaPush, so she'd already put on her favourite pair of black jeans and a hoodie. It wasn't much to write home about, but she was comfy.

Charlie still lived in the same house, unsurprisingly, so Elizabeth knew her way like the back of her hand. He and Billy were good friends, so naturally Olivia was also good friends with the Chief of Police. Lizzie pulled up slowly, seeing the four in the driveway next to Billy's old pickup. God, she loved that truck. It had taken her to and from LaPush more times than she could count, and she'd spent many nights with Jake, blasting the radio and driving down a highway for no reason other than they simply could.

Billy rolled into the street, following Charlie, and trying to ram him in the ankles with his wheelchair. Lizzie chuckled as she shut the truck door with a slam, bringing their attention away.

"Hey, Billy, go easy on the old man." She called, making both men chuckle at the not-so-subtle hazing. Bella and Jacob both turned toward her as she walked up the driveway, hands shoved into the pockets of her hoodie to mask any nervous tremors. "Welcome back, Bella." The pale girl nodded, tucking a strand of dark hair behind her ear.

"Hey, Elizabeth."

"Nice ride." Lizzie commented, nodding to the truck. There was a hint of bitterness in her voice, but she tried her best to suppress it after a scolding look from Jacob. 

"Yeah, what do you think?" Charlie asked, coming up and slapping the inside of the bed. Billy rolled gently into the back of Lizzie's ankles, making her turn around and start pulling faces at the man. They went back and forth between one another before Jacob cleared his throat, directing attention back to the conversation about the truck.

"I totally rebuilt the engine." Jake said with a smile. Bella's smile widened as she let out a string of excited exclamations. 

"We." Billy and Lizzie both coughed in unison. Jacob and Bella both got in the truck, him showing her the ropes.

"I told you she'd love it. I'm down with the kids." Billy grinned, assuring Charlie. Lizzie and Charlie both grinned.

"Oh yeah, dude. You're the bomb." Charlie remarked.

"Fo' shizzle." Lizzie added. Billy made a face and began to roll toward her again, and she darted out of the way toward her own truck. She still had to get to school that morning, and while she didn't care about being late, she did care about Jacob being late. "Come on, Jake. No excuses!" She yelled as Billy came to wait beside her. Jacob groaned as he hopped out of the truck, leaving Bella in her own glee. They loaded everything up and Lizzie began the drive to the reservation, leaving the new girl behind them.

"So what'd you think?" Jacob asked, leaning on the door and raising an eyebrow at Lizzie. She huffed in return.

"I don't know, she's the same. More awkward, maybe." She replied. The two of them always talked like Billy wasn't there. It wasn't to disclude him or anything, he just had little interest in the gossip between the two.

𝒔𝒊𝒍𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈 ☾ 𝒑𝒂𝒖𝒍 𝒍𝒂𝒉𝒐𝒕𝒆Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon