"What is it?" Claudine asked.

Aurora's smile grew sad as she opened the box to pull out a tiara.

"Aurora, it's beautiful," Claudine gasped as she saw it.

"Thank you honey. It's been in the family for years, in fact Leah gave it to me to wear on my wedding day."

"But...if it's been in your family, why are you bringing it out fo my wedding day?" Claudine asked as she looked at Aurora for a moment before her eyes widened in realization. "No! Aurora, I mean...I'm honored but...I can't...it's yours..."

"And now it's yours," Aurora said gently as she brought it out of the box. "It's to be given to daughters of the Rose line on their wedding days."

"But...are you sure?" Claudine asked, her voice soft as she looked at the tiara.

"Of course I am. As long as you want it that is."

"I do! It's just...I'm not...I mean...biologically...wouldn't you rather save it for Ari or even Paige? They're your granddaughters after all. Shouldn't they get it next?"

Aurora gave Claudine a small smile and brushed a wayward lock of the young girl's brown hair out of her eyes that had escaped from the bun it'd been put in. "Yes they are my granddaughters and they'll always be my granddaughters. If you want, you can give it to them when they get married. But Claudine, you are my daughter. You're Claudine Rose, both by choice and by us."

Claudine smiled as she gently took the tiara. "I...I don't know what to say."

"You don't have to say anything honey," Aurora told her as she watched Claudine fit the tiara gently on her head. She'd been telling the truth—after Audrey had been put under her enchanted sleep, Phillip and Aurora had approached Claudine about legally adopting her into the family.

Sure she was past the age where she needed a mom and dad but...Aurora could still remember when she was sixteen and wanted a more stable life after the excitement of being whisked away to the castle only to fall into an enchanted sleep.

She knew Claudine could never replace Audrey but...Aurora would never ask her to.

Claudine couldn't help but smile as she looked at her reflection.

Wow...I...I look like a Princess with this tiara...who'd have thought the little bell ringer from the Isle would have a life like this? It truly was amazing.

"Am...am I ready?"

"I think so," Aurora said as she handed Claudine her bouquet.

"I believe that's my cue," Phillip Sr. said with a smile as he walked into the room, holding Ari close to him. After all, she was to be the flower girl; the two Smee twins acting as joint ring bearers while Hubert graciously watched Paige for them. Phillip couldn't help but gasp softly at the sight of Claudine.

"You look beautiful Claudine," he told her.

"Thank you," Claudine said.

"Antee ooks wike a pwincess!" Arabella said with a smile. "Antee vewy pwetty!"

Claudine chuckled as she saw her niece. Somehow, Evie had continued to work her magic and made Arabella a dress to match the bridesmaids' dresses. Sea foam green, which was a color according to Evie. It had a hex code of #93E9BE and then she started saying words that Claudine really didn't understand so she just nodded.

The dress also had a navy blue band around the middle to match with Henry and his groomsmen's navy blue suits and sea foam green ties.

"Are you ready?" Phillip Sr asked as Aurora took Ari from his arms.

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