Chapter 3: The mystery boy

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I walked next to the river and I got lost in my thoughts. And then... BOOM. And the I landed on the floor. Ouch, my ass is hurting. I looked up to see a boy dressed in dark clothes, with an head and an mask. I didn't just ran into a boy at my first day in Seoul. How embarresing...
??? Pov
I went out for a walk at the han river. It was very late I didn't expected anyone outside. Just then at this moment I bumbed into an girl. She fell on the floor, it didn't looked like it doesn't hurt. I gave her my hand wich she could use to stand up easier.
"I am so sorry, I didn't saw you.", she explained. "I am sorry too, I was lost in thoughts.", I said.
There was an akward silence. After a while I asked: "Do you mind if I walk with you because of it's late and you never know if their are some drunk idiots or else."
Y/N Pov
"Do you mind if I walk with you because of it's late and you never know if their are some drunk idiots or else?", he asked.
"If you want to. I mean I don't have something against company.", I answered him.
We had a nice talk. He wanted to bring me home and so he did. The he asked:
"Hey, what is your name?"
"My name is Y/N but I like to be called Rosie.", I said, " What is your name?"
"Just call me Agust.", he responded.
"Why do you wear this mask?", I asked because of curiosity.
He just said: " I am going to tell you this when you need to know it."
This Agust is having a secret. Why is he wearing a mask and a had. I can probaply see a bit of his eyes, not more.
"Do you wanna go with me for a coffé sometime?", he asked.
I responded him: "Yeah, that would be nice. Can you give me your phone number thet we can fix a date"
"Oh, yeah.", he meaned, " Could you give me your phone then?"
I did as he asked me and after a few seconds he gave me my phone back.
"It's late. I should go and sleep. Have a good walk to your home, Agust.", I said.
He just said: " Bye. See you."
I got in my house. I just put on my pyamas and I layed into my bed.
What a strange and mystery guy. I don't think his real name is Agust. Why does he have so much secrets?
With this thoughts I feel asleep...
I am so sorry. This chapter is very short. I hope even though it was short it was ok and you enjoid it.
Have a good day/morning/afternoon/evening or sleep well.

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