She whipped her head back, she grabbed the dagger she kept in her pocket and looked at her. "Who are you!" She demanded as she used her hands to form a destruction beam to light up the room, to see who her attacker was.

As she did so however when she did she was met with embarrassment. "L-loyd! O-O oh my gosh I'm so sorry!" She said as she got off him, and preceded to help him up. The boy smiled ans gave her a kiss on the cheek, as the girl turned even more red.

"It's okay, Rumi I know your still recovering after the whole zephyr situation, it left you pretty..... Tense to say the least" says lloyd as Harumi gives a smile as well, Lloyd sat down at the table, as the girl grabbed her juice and went to sit next to the blonde boy.

Harumi was drinking her juice, she and Lloyd talked happily. It was a sweet conversation, she was happy, she always loved talking to Lloyd, the sound of his voice always for some reason always comforted her, making her feel honestly safe.

They continued, talking, the rest of the bounty crew started to wake up, the two lovers greeted the new arrivals, they being tired from just walking up gave a nod, wave, or even a groggily: "Good morning" harumi smiled seeing them all it felt reassuring.

Kai walked over to Lloyd, and sat near the two doing the same, Cole who was drinking some coffee asked: "So, Lloyd, what's the plan for today, anything special?" The green ninja, stretched as the two Clads in green went to, went to feed their pups.
As they saw the Pomeranian, and husky walking Into the room, with everyone else.

The blonde smiled, as he poured the dog food into the bowl, as he started walking over to where He usually set down Nix's bowl. "There's not much going on, in ninjago with Zephyr gone" he says as he and Rumi set down the bowls, as the two pups started to chow down on their food happily glad that they were eating breakfast.

"Huh" Kai says as he went and grabbed a breakfast bar, and started to eat it. "If there's not anything to dowhy don't we all go mini golfing it could be fun, and I know a private course where I'm pretty sure they'd allow Cloud and Nix to come along too" he smilesCole leans against the wall. "I agree it could be a fun bonding day!".

Lloyd looks around, "it could be fun, but are you sure they'll allow Cloud and Nix?" Kai grinned nodding. "Yeah! Me and Nya went there when we were younger, and we got a dog!" He started to explain as he took another bite. "His name was scruffy, and he was good dog". He says "They always let us bring scruffy, I'm sure they I'll do the same for Cloud and Nix"

Lloyd thinks about it then nods, "Alright it could be fun! And be a way to test our skills" he says. Cole grinned as he replied: " We could do teams too!, and the team that loses has to Have the spiciest Sauce on a chip! And eat it whole!" He says.
Lloyd laughs, "Well, okay then" he looks around at eveyone then he asks him.

"So who are the teams?" Kai smirks, he says: "Why don't we do Boys Vs Girls" he suggested. "It will be: Lloyd, kai, cole Jay, Garmadon, Wu, Zane, Killow, and Mr. E Vs
Cloud, Harumi, Opal, mirage, Mistaké, misako, nya, pix, Ultra Violet, finally Skylor". He says as They all nodded as they then headed to the bridge ready for the competition.

After they all got their clubs, they all headed to the headed to the first hole, Rumi noticed it looked like a pirate theme, she knew because it there was some ships, and then there was some skeletons hanging up and that was a dead give away. As they walked Lloyd smiled and looked at the girl group. "Well, laddies first" he says to them.

Harumi steps up to the place, she felt very nervous, since she had never done this before, or maybe she did and she was just to young to remember she shrugged it off, as she then went and tried striking the ball but the ball then hit one of the rocks and bounced back hitting her in the forehead, the rolled down the mini hill, and then close to where the hole was, she gave a embarrassed chuckled. "Hehe"

Rumi watched as everyone went, Uv was swinging her club around like a maniac, but that was to be expected from the Former general since there were some pretty crazy rumors about her back in the day of the sons of garmadon she shivered at that thought. Uv whacked the ball, it ended up in the water that was some paces away.

Rumi looked up, as she started walking towards the office. "Don't worry Uv, I'll just go get someone and they ca—" she was cut off by a splash ans to eveyone's shock and utter disbelief She jumped into the water, to go get the ball. Harumi's jaw dropped, and eyes widened. "Uv!" She yelled running over to go see if she was alright.
The game was moving fairly slow, due to the fact With Uv's crazyniess, not to mention Garmadon kept missing on purpose sicne he thought with mini golf it was the highest score that won, even if Lloyd Kept telling him it wasn't the case he was too stubborn to listen.

"I kept telling you! It's the lowest score!" He yelled at the oni Lord once more, as he once again at his turn whacked the ball as hard as he could. Garmadon turned to Lloyd, and replied: "Your just saying that So We'll lose". Lloyd groaned as he shook his head. "WE ARE ON THE SAME TEAM!" He yelled out his frustrations at the man.

As the two continued to argue, mirage walked over to Harumi, who was watching the two argue with each other. "How long do you think this is going to last?" She asked as She felt the wind go through her hair. Rumi groaned, shaking her head. "It can go on for a while.... there both equally very stubborn" she said to the pigtailed hair girl.

Soon after what felt like hours, that was actually like twenty minutes, the pair stopped arguing, and they all continued the game. Rumi while she waited for her turn she felt the suns rays getting colder, and it was, getting colder out. She sighs, "I guess it's getting late" she muttered to herself

She watched as eveyone went, at the final Hole, rumi breaths as she hit her ball, snd then hit it, the ball went into a tunnel like thing before he went up in the air before being catched by a carousel, it spun went out, and into a little roller coaster track, and being dropped, into the hole. Harumi sighs." That was anticlimactic".

As eveyone else began to do their final turns, Rumi was at a table, watching the sun set as she smiled. She loved seeing the pretty colors as it set, it was so beautiful. She turned and saw Pixel was tallying up the girls scores. She shifted, as she saw the boys heading to a table to also tally their scored, the rest of the girls walked over.

"So what's our score?" Uv asked, as she took a seat next to Cloud who was laying down it seems the day's activities wore her out. Harumi smiled as she reached out and pet the puppy. "I'm nearly finshed" pixel replied, as Harumi looked over and saw Zane was tallying up the boys score as well. All Rumi could do was with for the scores.

Once the scores were revealed both teams were Shocked. "I don't understand how did we tie?" Cole asked as Kai shrugs. "With Garmadon's crazyniess, I'd thought we'd Lose" garmadon gave Kai a glare, not liking the comment he heard from the boy. But then Zane sighs: "it appears we all have to do the punishment now"
"Hmm" harumi yawns as she changed into her Pj's what a fun filled day, when they got home they all did the punishment, and eveyones mouth was on fire, of course with the exception of Zane, Pixal, and Garmadon. Of course They were unaffected due to them being nindroids, and garmadon being a Oni lord. Harumi sighed

"What an amazing day, and it will only get better" she smiled as she layed down in her bed snuggled into her covers, as she slowly closed her eyes, and letting herself slowly dip into unconsciousness.

Hey eveyone, Jdizzle here, I hope you enjoyed that chapter, I'm currently writing it the night before the publication date. I was busy durning the week and I only now found time to write..... so Yeah, I have good news, I'm feeling alot better then the last time I posted, I am No longer coughing, and my sun burns finally went away. So Yeah! It first this chapter was just gonna be harumi being alone all day but then I thought: hmm why don't they play mini golf? And that happened! alright guys you know the drill! I'll see you all in two weeks! Bye guys! Jdizzle signing out peace!

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