Part 13: Disquietude.

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ty for waiting, just been quite busy recently!

finally got to introduce ethaannnnn!


I felt sick all morning. Not ill. Just sick.

Like butterflies were flying around in my stomach, but not gracefully. It was as if they were tumbling around, hopelessly falling everywhere.
The dread I'd once gotten rid of seemed to return. Seemed to come back on an even worse level, killing me slowly from the inside, nagging me constantly, unable to be suppressed.
Dimitrescu sat across the dinner table, eating some random human from the village, as elegantly, as usual, her daughters contrasting that once again, seeming as if they hadn't been fed for weeks.

And then there was me, pushing the fish on my plate around with a fork.
"What's wrong, dear? Why aren't you eating?" Dimitrescu asked from across the table.
I sighed "Nothing. I just don't have much of an appetite this morning."
"You need to eat. We have a big day ahead."
"What do you mean?"
"Well, Mother Miranda said that Heisenburg had found a new human, and we could be the ones to take him in."

I rolled my eyes, turning away.

"Uh-huh. Take him in, kill him like the rest, then move on. It's just a cycle at this point. Not really that big."
There was silence, as I looked down to the floor.
"What's wrong, Fiora?"
"Again, nothing. I'm fine,"
"Don't lie to me. You're upset."
"No, I'm not. Just drop it," I insisted, turning back to Dimitrescu, desperately trying to avoid eye contact.
"Fine." She sighed, doing as I asked to make the situation less awkward.
We sat in silence for the rest of the meal. Soon, Cassandra and Daniela left in a hurry. going back to whatever they were doing beforehand.

"Do you want to talk about it now?"

Dimitrescu shook her head. "Well, that implies something is wrong."

I rolled my eyes again.

"Nothing is wrong. Nothing at all. I just feel a bit ill."
"We could sit by the fire together if you want. Heat comforts humans," Dimitrescu asked, getting up and walking over to me, taking my hand.

"Come on, get up, you can rest your head on my lap if you want."
I stayed silent, but nodded, getting up, holding her hand as we walked towards the main hall.

She placed me on my lap, as I soon enough drifted off to sleep. The sounds of fire crackling, the smell of wine, accompanied with a strange bitter taste, similar to the smell.
I didn't seem to dream much. Whenever I slept, I either just woke up or had a nightmare, usually about the Lycans. I just really hated them, some were nice, like the one I'd met when I first got here, but the others were nightmare fuel for me. The nightmares usually included me getting eaten alive while going around the village.

But, more recently, I'd been getting one that recurred.

And it was much eerier than being eaten alive.

It was just some dust. Some dust on the floor, in a room that looked like the armory of the castle, with someone staring down at it, holding some crystal. Someone I didn't recognize.
When I write it down, it doesn't seem that bad, but for some reason, it always shook me awake, every single time, without fail.

Dimitrescu soon shook me awake, me pushing her away, but her persisting.

"Dear, come on, it's time to go."
"Nooooooo, I don't want to, I'm too sleepy," I whined, pushing her away whenever she tried to get close to me.

She eventually smiled, lifting me over her shoulder, me giggling as she did so.

Then, we went on our way.

"The man is of no real use to anyone else, and my daughters do so love... entertaining foreigners. Therefore I do assure you, if you entrust the mortal to House Dimitrescu, my daughters and I shall deliver to you the finest cups of his slaughtered blood."
I sat close to Dimitrescu, looking over at the human.
It was him, in my nightmares, the one I saw staring at the crystal with the dust. He was identical.

"He's awake!" Angie cheered, me just sighing and stuffing my face into Dimitrescu, trying not to draw too much attention to myself.

"You mean you'll screw around with him in private, and where's the fun in that?" Heisenberg complained, arguing with Dimitrescu about who should get ownership of the human.

While I tried to avoid even looking at him, praying that we weren't the ones to take him in.

"So gauche. What do you care for bread and circuses? The manthings suffering is assured, regardless."
"Yack, yack, the man's thing is cut off in the castle, blah, blah, blah. How can we even trust you with another? You got one, kept it, now look at her," He hissed, Dimitrescu trying to push my head away gently.

"You know those are completely different circumstances, Heisenberg," I chimed in, showing I still could act upon my own will, somehow.

"Oh? The bunny can talk? Since when?" He teased, smirking to himself.

"I've heard all your arguments," Miranda finally announced, her voice echoing around the room.
"Some of you were.. less persuasive than others, but, I've made my decision."

Silence rang through the room.

"Heisenberg. The man's fate is in your hands."

Dimitrescu got up almost instantly.

"Mother Miranda, I must protest! Heisenberg is but a child, and his devotion to you is questionable." Heisenberg stood up, me smiling at the size difference between the two.

"Give the mortal to me, and I will assure he is ready."
Heisenberg finally spoke up, his voice quite coarse.] "Shut your damn hole and don't be a sore loser! Go find your food somewhere else."

"Quiet now, child, Adults are talking," She smiled, shouting as now her voice echoed.

"You wouldn't know responsibility if it was wielded to that hammer!"

"Oh, keep growing! One day your head might actually fit your ego!"
"Fight! Fight! Fight!" Donna cheered, me just rolling my eyes, looking over to the human.

"Hey, don't I get a say in this?" The human spoke, a heavy American accent.
"Nope, no say whatsoever-" I tried to reply.

"SILENCE!" Mother Miranda called, as the world just stopped. A penny could've dropped and you would've been able to hear every single bounce it made to the floor.

"My decision is final, there will be no argument. Remember from whence you came," she announced, the mood turning from ten to zero in a second.

"Thank you," Heisenberg muttered, Dimitrescu walking over to me, putting her hands on my shoulder.
"Lycans and gentlemen, we thank you for waiting! NOW LET THE GAMES BEGIN!" 

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