Part 11: Autumn dread

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Now I look, as the leaves fall around the courtyard.

The begonias, heliotropes, gardenias, blue roses were still very much alive, probably until winter, sort of mid-January/February time.

It still retained beauty, as the auburn leaves tumbled from the interlocking branches above, with tawny branches that grow so thickly only the brightest clusters of sunshine break through.

While, still, as autumn marches toward winter, there will be only those fine strands of brown and the sunlight will cascade to the floor unhindered.

"Are you okay, Dear?" Dimitrescu called over as I stood by the door, blankly staring at the landscape before me.

"Yeah," I muttered, sighing, leaning myself against the doorframe.

I'd been unmistakably dull recently, and Alcina seemed to take notice. There was just some strange, unrelenting feeling there. Dread. For what, I had no clue, but for some reason, something was just nagging me. No matter what I did, it forever lingered.

I knew that Dimitrescu could tell something was off. She'd recently interested herself in a new passion - gardening - probably since she wanted us to be able to have a hobby that her daughters couldn't intrude on, and had constantly been trying to force me out to help in order to make me less... depressed. I suppose complaining isn't the way to go about it, but I just can't accept it for some reason. Not until that feeling goes away, I won't be thankful. Selfish I suppose.

"Just come here, you can water some flowers."

"I don't want to," I snapped, standing back up in a huff. Dimitrescu just turned to me, cocking her head to the side.

"I'm sorry. I just got lost in my own thoughts for a moment."

She sighed gently, slowly making her way over to me.

"I told you to keep those negative thoughts out of your mind. Do you need a hug?"


I got up on my tiptoes, as she bent down a bit, taking me in her arms.

She breathed into my ear quietly, soon letting me go, but staying at my height.

"We could spend some time together later. I'll tell the daughters to leave you alone too. That should cheer you right up."

"Okay," I reluctantly agreed, trudging over and sitting by her, a leaf brushing against my face.

"Take this," She ordered, passing me a watering can.

I rolled my eyes, standing up, then nearly snatching it.

Dimitrescu just simply took a long, drought out, disappointed sigh.

Yet, for some reason, that seemed to wake me up in a sense.

I spent a minute alone to come back to my senses, then finished off the flowers, passing the can back.

"Thank you for that,"

"You seem cheerier. Did that help?" She smiled, taking it and gently putting it off to the side.

"Quite a lot, honestly," I smiled, looking up to her.

"Well, that's wonderful. There are many garden jobs I'd love for us to do while we still can."

"It confuses me how you have the motivation to do that. The flowers are just going to get destroyed by winter, aren't they?"

"Why, of course," She answered, seeming happier than I'd expected.

"But that's the whole point, when the snow clears, you have a blank canvas. You can change the flower arrangements and take care of them throughout summer and autumn, then do them all over again. It's all quite familial," Alcina went on, sitting next to me in the middle of the auburn leaf-covered center of the courtyard.

"And I'm always quite sad to see them go. It's a shame the daughters can't see this,"

"I know. But it's also nice to have somewhere to be alone without their disruptions,"

"I suppose so. Now, it's getting cold, isn't it? We should head indoors, dear."

"After you."


srry for the short(ish) chapter! just wanted to be able to write descriptions of autumn i dunno.

broo nearly 1k reads btw!!! ty all so much!!

next chap might have moreau in so watch out

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