"And cut! Oh my god. I have chills. The fans are either going to love this or hate it."

"Well they will at least be talking about it," Ohm said from where he stood as the dancers immediately rested and the other three moved to meet Parish, the MV Producer. His partner in film and in life, Leo, was the Director and they made an insane team.

"Khom you really improved on the loving looks. I believed your eyes. Please keep it up. Does everyone what a rest or continue tomorrow? We have 3 weeks here and we only used 1 which is good. The script for the second short is far more complicated."

"Can we start tomorrow and finish early enough to get a couple of days and enjoy the island?" One dancer looked around at the others for agreement.

"Yeah we can do that," many agreed. The dancers were using mostly freestyle since their movements were mostly serpentine and required a lot of flexibility.

"Can we go over tomorrow's script one more time?" Noh looked over at Dye who nodded. They set up a time and went to have dinner before the band and anyone who wanted to join them went over what they needed to do.

"Ok so we're on the markers?" Dye checked everyone.

"Khom and I embrace before I look at you. I need you to check my facials."

"Your giving me desire but not enough fear. You know what I am. You know it by my actions. The love I give you is fake. The pain is real." Dye offered some helpful pointers.

"But I can't resist you, got it. I've been working on it in the mirror. How about now?"

"Ok yes. Yes. That's the look. Khom?"

"All I show you is fear. This is a power struggle. I can't believe there are people who live like this."

"Our core concept is reality." Ohm surprisingly says from the shadows, presenting his own eerie visage. "Our reality, your reality. It's all a song to us."

"Is that our concept?" Noh was looking back at Ohm now, his eyebrows lifted. "I thought it was love?"

"Love is reality." Ohm was smug now.

"Oh. Sorry I guess. I'm dumb. I missed the whole grand design." Noh was sarcastic but Ohm only smirked making the other roll his eyes and look back at Dye so they could continue.

The remaining storyline unfolded, showing a tale of a predator who controlled with hate and abuse, took only what he needed and discarded others carelessly but because he was loved and admired it was all excused.

Even the dancers came out, working on their movements and small choreography pieces.

They stayed out until about 10 before Noh left and went to call Phun and everyone else prepared for bed as well.

"Hey. I miss you."

"I'm really liking how easily you say that these days. I miss you too. How was the shoot?" Noh could hear movement so he imagined Phun settling down in their bed.

"We just wrapped up the first mini-episode. We'll finish the second d one them the official music video before enjoying the rest of the time off. I think now that we know what we need to do, it's going to go by much faster. What about you? How was work?"

"I have a lot of faith in you to get this done. Dye gave me my own task. It's almost finished. Also work is great now that they made 2 teams and placed that person permanently in the other one. Everyone is very satisfied. Work is actually getting done too. I heard of another international conference soon from my dad. I may be called out again."

"Oh. How soon?" Noh paused. He would want to see Phun before he left but he also knew that wouldn't always be the case.

"I couldn't tell you right now. I have no idea myself. Dad heard about it and told me but our boss hasn't said anything. He heard it would be in France this time so I'm not sure I'll be leaving since every one of us has excellent command of the language."

Love Contract - A Love Sick fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now