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Hi everyone. I hope you all enjoyed. It has finally come to an end, the romance of Flynn and Nina, but thank you all so much for reading and voting and supporting it in general. I am so grateful and proud. Thank you and hope you all enjoy this final epilogue -A x

All Rights Reserved. All Rights to respectful owners of the pictures, music, videos or anything else I may use :)




December 10th, 2036. 

Sixteen years today. . . To Flynn it always felt like it happened yesterday, he still felt the stinging pain in his heart, the lonliness of every time he climbed into bed, which resulted in him buying a single bed for a while with her pillow, he'd smell the perfume, her rose scent. . . He'd picture her sometimes rolling over to smile at him or kiss him on the lips, then getting out of bed, other times he pictured her putting on her makeup and spraying her perfume, or he'd picture her getting dressed. 

In Flynn's dreams he'd see her walking towards him, promising everything would be alright, in others he'd picture her dancing or singing or he'd see his happiest memories with her or her and the children, he'd wake up in a sweat or crying, in his nightmares did he picture her dying? Yes, many times, he pictured her in that toppled car bloody and bruised, then he'd wake up, not being able to go back to sleep. 

In the early stages of aftermath of Nina's death and funeral, he visited the graveyard constantly, taking weeks off work at a time, drinking and crying on the nearby bench and on a few occassions even waking up on it, then returning home to see his daughters. . . and falling into bed, the first year of Nina's death was hell, on earth. . . His father practically raised Lily, Rose and Daisy for that year with the help of Ava and Francesco. . . whose sons now have grown up to be handsome. Flynn done nothing but drank and drank and drank and so on. . . It was one day where he collapsed after making a cocktail of sleeping pills and alcohol, by accident and he went unconscious as Nina's face flashed before his eyes along with his daughter's faces and then he heard Lily scream for her daddy to wake up. . . When he did finally wake up he had a new goal in mind. . . 

Flynn got himself back together, picking up the pieces and trying to set balance in his life. He went to AA, he got himself clean, he raised his daughters and he spoke of their mother with them and he spoke to them whenever he could about life, about Nina and they all formed a close knitted, comfortable bond, his father no longer had to worry or raise the children. Flynn had his life back in motion as he continued to work, bringing the business to an all new high of notoriety and success, at the same time managing his life as a father, that came before anything else. 

Now today, on the sixteenth anniversary he held a bunch of white roses wrapped in red, he looked at the grave, now at the age of fifty three Flynn had aged, his eyes were tired and begging for a reunion with his lost love, his hair was streaked with grey, he had some wrinkles, he was still handsome, he continued to wear his wedding band with a heavy sadness. At his side were his three daughters who had set their flowers down. 

Lily, now twenty one and now looking to become a singer, songwriter and producer was standing here in a black dress and black heels, she held the beauty and image of her mother, her hair caramel and in soft waves reaching her waist, her eyes sea green with an ever so faint blue within them, her lips plump and face oval and her small straight nose like her mother. . . Flynn would sometimes look at her with a sigh, not of disappointment or any negative feeling, but of how his first child resembled her mother so much, even with her few mannerisms and her goofy laugh and smile and her voice of singing and speaking. . . He was proud. 

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