24. Scandal.

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24. Scandal. 

His mouth parted, his eyes widened and he licked his lips nervously and then he pulled me into a sudden unexpected hug and and pulled me against him tightly and bowed his head into my shoulder and kissed my cheek and then my lips and pulled back, he looked at me, holding my hands with tears in his eyes. "I'm. . . shocked, I'm happy. . . for us, for you, for me," he chuckled. 

I couldn't help the delight, he reacted to this so well. I looked at him surprised. "What will we do?" 

He ran his hands through his hair as he exhaled shakily. "I'm going to be a dad and you are the woman I love, more than anything and you are carrying my baby. . . I'm. . . going to end this all with Olivia, I'm going to step up and be a man. . . for you, for our baby and we're going to be happy," he promised. 

I felt tears roll down my face with happiness as I gazed at him, he was ready to leave her, for me? I was shocked, my heart pounded and I felt my stomach knot in butterflies as I threw my arms around him and kissed him repeatedly and then pulled back to gaze at him. I held his face in my hands as I grinned brightly and a few tears ran down his cheek. "You really are?" my voice shook a little. 

He nodded and then took my hands and placed them on his chest and gazed into my eyes, then he took my face as my hands lay limp on his chest. He looked into my eyes with passion and an undeniable endless love. "I promise I will be there for you, always Nina and our baby and its time for me to grow up, leave Olivia and finally see whats been here all along with endless possibilities, I love you Nina," he breathed out. 

I smiled at him as I bursted into tears with delight and happiness and threw my arms around him and he hugged me back tightly and then I released him and took his hand as I wiped my face and he wiped his. "Want to see some proof?" I chuckled as I opened the bathroom door and led him in and he looked at the test and chuckled to himself.  

"Congrats Nina," he chuckled. 

"And to you too," I replied with light laughter as I patted his shoulder. 


We sat on the couch that evening with suitcases packed and ready to go, we were leaving at nine. we hadn't yet planned what we were going to do, we celebrated the pregnancy with nothing other than two champagne glasses filled with water and clinked them and drank them back. 

"How though? I was wearing. . . oh my God," he whispered as he looked at me shocked. "I took the condoms that Olivia poked holes in," he chuckled. 

I giggled. "Well, maybe it was faith telling us something, I don't know," I said honestly. 

He nodded. "Everything happens for a reason, this. . . is another reason," he breathed out, slicking his hair back and he grinned at me. "What way are we going to do this?" he asked me. 

I shrugged. "I don't know," I replied as I sat forward and cupped my mouth and then dropped my hands, we'd have to plan something. "You'll have to try and keep this quiet as possible. . . You have to tell Olivia, everything, I'll be with you if you want," I suggested. "Why don't you tell your parents first?" I suggested again. 

He nodded. "Thats a good place to start," he agreed. "Will you come with me?"

I nodded. "Yeah, then you tell Olivia and. . . then it goes on," I breathed as my stomach fluttered nervously. 

He licked his lips. "I'll tell my parents, they'll tell me to come clean to Olivia, we'll have to divorce and then I'm with you, I may lose billions, but you know what? Its worth it, for you, for our baby, I can't believe it," he breathed out and leaned back in the chair. 

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