favorite crime - lester averman

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Awhile ago I had dated some guy from my home town, and he severely mistreated me. It made me so upset that my parents offered to move out of state and ended up getting great job offers in Minnesota, so we went there. Now, I've become a huge hockey fan and I'm even dating one of the hockey players on the JV team at my school, Eden Hall.
Lester is the sweetest guy and makes me completely forget about my ex. That was until I saw him hanging out with the rude varsity players at lunch. I asked around and my fears were confirmed. He had moved to Minnesota and is in fact going to the same school as me. Great. I told Lester about him and he reassured me, telling me that the Ducks would make sure nothing happens. Well, something happened.
I was walking to my dorm the other day when someone stopped right in front of me. I looked up to say "excuse me", but the words got lost in my throat. It was him. "Well hey Y/n, funny seeing you here. I didn't know you moved to Minnesota." I finally found my voice. "Oh you knew well enough that I moved here. Now please move." "Oh, baby, it's not that easy." "Of course it isn't. It never is with you. What do you want?" "Well... I want you. You broke up with me and left Arizona without telling me. It made me upset." "And? Why do you want me? All you did was mistreat me." He smiles. Just then, the Ducks walk by, with Lester stopping in his tracks. He knows what's happening and immediately walks over to me.
"Hey gorgeous, I missed you today." My ex furrowed his eyebrows and stared at Lester. Lester then turned to him. "Oh hey, I'm Lester Averman, Y/n's boyfriend." He stuck out his hand to my ex, and he just stared at it. "What is this Y/n?" "What does it look like? He's my boyfriend." He looked stunned and I kept talking. "Once I moved here, he was the first person to talk to me, the first person to help me. I was so damaged after you, and he saved me. You know, I loved you so bad, I let you treat me like that." I waved at him and turned in my heels and walked away. Goodbye to him.
406 words

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