deja vu - kenny wu

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Last year, I had dated Charlie Conway, and that ended badly. His attitude was terrible and I just couldn't stand it any longer. After I broke up with him, I felt so much better. Now, I'm in a long distance relationship with Kenny Wu, the hockey player from San Francisco. We were talking the other day and he mentioned that he had been called to join the Ducks to form the junior Olympics hockey team. I was scared of seeing Charlie, but I knew I'd show up for Kenny. 
     Leading up to the day he flew in and began practicing, I started getting less scared of seeing Charlie and more excited to see Kenny. Charlie no longer has a hold on me and I'm proud of myself for that. Kenny knows about Charlie and I. I told him the same night that he told me he's joining the Ducks. Being the caring boyfriend he is, he offered to decline it and not join the Ducks, but I wouldn't let that happen. This is a big opportunity for him and I'm going to support him no matter what.
     I went to bed last night knowing that today, I'd see Kenny and also have to face Charlie. I woke up and got ready, making sure to wear Kenny's sweatshirt he left for me last time I saw him. My mom drove me to the rink where they'd be meeting, and wished me luck before driving off. I took a breath and walked through the doors, immediately met with the cold.
     When I walked in I saw the Ducks on the ice, waiting to meet their new recruits. I managed to avoid Charlie seeing me, but I knew Connie saw me. We're close friends, so I know she won't tell Charlie I'm here, because she knows about Kenny. I soon saw the new recruits skate out on the ice, and silently cheered when I saw Kenny. I watched them get introduced, almost get into a fight, and have fun with each other.
     After, I waited by the lockers, the fear of seeing Charlie now more prominent then ever. The first one out was Connie, hurrying over to me. "What are you gonna say to him? Because you know he's gonna see you no matter what." "I know Con. I have no idea what I'm gonna say. I'll just let whatever comes to mind slip out and we'll go from there." She hugs me and goes off to find her boyfriend, Guy Germaine. Next out was a big group of guys, led by the one and only Charlie Conway. He looked up, and I couldn't hide myself fast enough. "Y/n?" "Uh... Hi Charlie." "Why are you here?" "I'm here for my boyfriend." Confusion crosses his face until he sees Kenny walk out of the locker room and hug me. "Oh." I then see a different emotion cross his face: anger. "Really Y/n? Why him? Seriously. You're gonna get deja vu or something, because I know it's gonna be the same as our relationship." Kenny began towards him, but I stopped him. "Really Charlie? Really? Don't act like I haven't heard about the other girls. You know, now that I think about it, they all look like me. I hate to think that I was just your type." That stunned him, and Kenny and I walked out hand in hand. Happy.
570 words

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