forty three

590 11 51

elodie phillips

I packed my trunk, carefully placing all of my clothes and belongings inside. The school year was finished at Hogwarts. I passed my OWLS with flying colors, which was surprising.

The last few weeks have been crazy. Between finding out that my dad was a death eater and trying to figure out what happened to the rest of the DA, I didn't have much time to study.

Sirius Black was killed by Bellatrix Lestrange. Everyone in the DA was alive. Harry, of course, was in the grief process once more.

Voldemort was back. I have no idea what this means for the wizarding world, but it can't be good.

Draco seemed frantic. He was scurrying around his dorm, gathering everything up.

My friends and I didn't talk much anymore. I had gotten so busy this year that I had only been able to talk to them once or twice a week.

However, that didn't stop us from all sitting next to one another on the train ride back. Blaise asked thousands of questions about my experience with the DA while Pansy told me gossip she had heard and Marcus listened.

And again, Draco seemed frantic. "Are you okay?" I asked, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Yeah, yeah," he replied, pulling me in closer. I laid my head on his shoulder. "Just stay right here with me."

It was odd, but I smiled and agreed. When the train stopped, I hugged my friends goodbye.

I wrapped Draco in my arms and pulled him close to me. He hugged me back just as tight. We pulled away, and I cupped my hands on his face. A gentle kiss, and then he was on his way.

That was the last time that things were normal.


My manor was still elegant and bright. My stomach lurched as I walked closer and closer to the door. My mother told me at the beginning of the school year that I was to apparate home from now on, so my parents didn't meet me at the station.

My shoes clicked on the cobblestone path to my door. I took in a deep breath and knocked.

Winnie opened the door. Instead of her usual smile, her long ears were tilted back towards her head, warning me that the mood inside wasn't as cheerful as it appeared from the outside.

I stepped inside, the sound of the door closing echoing through the tall ceilings. I dropped my trunk near the door and Winnie took it to my room.

I walked through the hallways, looking around for my parents.

They were sitting at the kitchen table. Mother's usual complexion, glowing and smooth, was now shadowed with wrinkles as she laid her head in her hands.

My father sat next to her, worry etched onto his face, twiddling his hands.

"Welcome home, darling," my mother whispered, her voice breaking.

I took a seat next to her at the table, the chair creaking as I pulled it out.

"So," I started. "We're a family of death eaters?"

I tried to ignore the fury that was boiling inside of me. I needed to be calm. My temper had always been an issue for me.

When I was younger, and my magic was not in my control, things would happen when I became angry.

Once, a kid from an arranged play date broke one of my toys. I became so angry that a nearby window shattered.

My parents jumped on this issue immediately. They hired a caretaker to come and fix it. She would talk me through my temper and help me healthily deal with my emotions.

By the time I was enrolled at Hogwarts, my temper had subsided. I was perfect at controlling it, and rarely anyone tested it.

Except for Draco, of course. He was the only one that started to provoke that fury. But I remembered the teachings, and everything was okay.

The teachings were starting to fade away as I looked at my parents, sitting there so ashamed. They had lied to their only child, their "pride and joy".

"Only your father is a death eater," my mother explained, her tone hushed.

"Oh perfect. So only one of us is a killer!" I snapped back.

My parents sighed, and tears welled in my mother's once bright eyes.

"Elodie," my father started, reaching his hand out to mine. I pulled my hand off the table before he could touch it. "Just understand where I'm coming from. The Dark Lord knows what is best for us all. He can see the future through the prophecies."

My face twisted in disgust. "Are you kidding me?" I asked, my voice laced with venom. "Can you hear the bullshit that has come out of your mouth?"

He tried to continue, but I interrupted. "Don't even. I'm leaving."

I started walking to my room, thinking of things I could take with me as I ran away.

"No, Elodie," my mother argued. "You're staying with us this summer."

"Was that why you were gone last summer?" I asked, suddenly turning around. "Lucius wasn't home until late summer. Were you guys at some training?"

My parents looked at each other, their faces falling.

"We're pulling you out of Hogwarts."

I stopped dead in my tracks. My heart stopped and my breath hitched. "You're what?"

"We're sending you to Beauxbatons. People here have already started talking. It's better for our image if you're somewhere away from all of this."

"I have friends there, Mother," I argued, tears forming in my eyes. "Draco's there."

"Draco will be busy with things next year," my father sighed.

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" I shouted. A vase from the living room fell down, covering the floor in broken shards.

My mother's eyes widened, filled with a new emotion. Fear. I approached her and my father, things breaking behind me.

"You lied to me. I owe you nothing."

I walked up to my room and locked the door shut. I planned to spend the entire summer locked away in solitude. I had no reason to talk to my parents.

As I slammed down onto my bed, I heard the large crystal chandelier crash onto the floor.


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