twenty eight

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swipe the image for a song that goes with the chapter:)

elodie phillips

To say I was confused about what happened between Draco and me the other night was an understatement. However, it excited me. Everything happened so fast, which left me craving for more. The way he moved was so smooth. I wanted to be with him.

Lucky for me, his room was right across the hall from mine.

A soft knock on my door woke me from my sleep. I grumbled a bit, wanting to ignore it.

Draco walked in, smiling slightly. "Good morning, Elodie." His morning voice had a slight rasp that made butterflies explode in my stomach.

"Good morning," I replied, rolling around in my bed, making a spot for him.

He slid in next to me and cuddled me close. "I have good news," he told me softly.

"What is it?" I replied, turning my neck to look up at him. Another smile crept onto his face.

"You didn't have any nightmares last night."

My jaw dropped. I didn't even realize that my nightmares had passed me. "Oh wow," I gasped happily.

"You haven't had any for the past few nights," he explains further, brushing my hair behind my ears. "I'm glad you can finally get some rest."

I blushed, and he pulled me into a hug. I sighed at the pleasant feeling of his embrace. It gave me a sense of completion. I was missing something, and his hug was what I needed. It felt so familiar and warm.

He pulled away, looking intently into my eyes. We both knew what we wanted. His lips met mine softly. It was gentle and loving.

Draco pulled away, leaving me warm and slightly unsatisfied. I smiled cutely and he got up from the bed. I reached out to him and groaned.

"Don't be such a baby. Get up," he joked.

"Fine," I huffed, grinning.

He took my arm and spun me around into his arms. I laughed into his arms, and he squeezed me tight. Normally, thousands of questions would be swirling my mind, but right now I just enjoyed the moment. Draco and I didn't have a label, we were just two kids enjoying a bit of summer romance.

He took my small hand in his and led me down the grand stairs to the main floor. Narcissa was talking quietly to Lucius, whose head was buried in the Daily Prophet. At the sight of his father, Draco let my hand slip out of his. He straightened up, hoping his father didn't notice.

I am almost certain that Lucius noticed. However, he didn't say anything. He just stuck his nose back into the paper, mumbling at Narcissa.

I missed Narcissa. She was still here. However, with the new presence of Lucius, her demeanor changed. She was quieter, less bubbly. I hated Lucius for the impact he had on her.

She shot me a soft smile as Draco and I continued walking past. Our heels clicked onto the sleek marble floors. I smiled softly, looking around me. Golden rays of sunshine were attempting to spill through the draped black curtains.

"What's in store for today, Mr. Malfoy?" I asked teasingly, looking up at the blonde boy who walked beside me. He looked straight ahead, his chin moving forward as a smile crept onto his face.

"I don't know," Draco smiled. "I'm just seeing where the day takes us." His head turned as he looked down at me. His hair fell in tiny pieces over his eyes, where he took his slim hand and brushed it out of his view. His grey eyes had a small glimmer to them, which filled my heart with excitement. There was something about him that made me feel like I could do anything.

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