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elodie phillips

My body was shaken awake by a familiar pair of cold hands. I smiled groggily as I opened my eyes to see Draco Malfoy hovering above me. "Well, good morning sweetheart," he smiled. His hands crept behind my back as he lifted me into his arms. My hair fell over his arms as I looked up at his face. He turned out of my room and started heading up a set of stairs that I wasn't aware of.

"Where are we going?" I asked, rubbing my eyes. I felt his finger press against my lips.

"Shh," he instructed. "You're going to miss it."

"Miss what?"

Draco scoffed as he looked down at me. "Do you ever stop asking questions?"

I smiled sleepily as he continued to carry me up the stairs. The house was dark, and I had no idea what time it was. Early.

Draco pushed open a small wooden door, unveiling a balcony. Dull sunlight hit my face as he walked onto it. He set me down and we sat on a swinging bench.

"I didn't know about this," I told Draco.

"It's another one of my mum's getaways. She made this balcony a little cozy getaway. Do you like the flowers?" He pointed over the railing, showing me the neatly planted flowerbeds.

"I do," I replied. "This is really nice."

"I figured you'd like it. The sun is starting to rise."

Draco and I focused our attention on the sky ahead of us. The sun was just breaking the horizon, spilling its golden yellow light onto the world. We gently swung, watching the sun creep up by the minute. I felt Draco's hand grab mine, and my heart swelled.

"Although I'm glad to see our friends today, I'll kind of miss this alone time with you," he told me, still looking ahead.

"It's Hogwarts, Draco," I explained. "We'll have plenty of places to run off to."

Draco groaned as he stretched out on the bench. His head rested on my lap and his legs stretched to the end of the bench. I smiled and ran my fingers through his loose blonde hair.

"This has been one of my best summers," I told him, not breaking eye contact. His grey eyes lit up with happiness as a smile grew across his face.

He sat up and brushed my hair back. I smiled, already knowing what was going to come next. I felt his lips meet mine, and I could feel his smile against mine. Our lips fit together perfectly as if he was another half of a mold. Butterflies erupted in my stomach as he pulled me closer to him. He broke away, but he stayed close to my lips. I could feel him smile once more as he said, "Mine too."


"Do you two have everything?" Narcissa asked Draco and me as we stood on the grey stone steps of the manor. Draco quickly checked his trunk, but I was confident I had everything. I triple-checked. We both nodded. My stomach ached with anticipation. I always get butterflies in my stomach before a new school year, even though I know Hogwarts and its students like the back of my hand.

"Now," Narcissa started. "I would let Draco apparate the two of you to the platform, but I don't think he's quite ready yet." She shot him a wink as his cheeks went red from embarrassment. "So, are you two ready?"

Draco and I took a glance at each other before nodding. Narcissa wrapped her hands around ours and closed her eyes. I cringed slightly, anxiously awaiting for her to apparate.

I held my breath as the world twisted around me. I felt the turns and flips as my stomach churned. Before it could last any longer, I felt my feet hit the ground. I took a moment to regain my balance and stomach as Draco and Narcissa acted as if nothing happened.

golden ; a draco malfoy fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now