forty one

650 12 62

elodie phillips
(i included music for this chapter)

I decided not to tell Draco about the ministry. I mean, this was a matter of life and death. Besides, it's also extremely illegal to break into the ministry.

I waited until after nightfall to head to the Gryffindor common room. Getting away from Filch and Mrs. Norris was easy after all of the days with the DA.

I mumbled the password and slipped inside. Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Luna, and Neville were gathered on the couches around the fire. It was cozy here.

"We need a way to get there," Harry said urgently.

"Wait," I started. "We don't have a way of getting there?"

Hermione sighed as her head fell into her hands.

"I know a way," Luna chimed.

Soon enough, the group was walking towards the Forbidden Forest, waiting to see what Luna had in mind. We talked in hushed whispers, going over our plan.

Get inside, get Sirius, get out. Easy enough, right?

"Okay," Luna declared. "Here we are."

She motioned to nothing.

"Am I the only one who can't see anything?" Ron asked us.

"Yeah, there's nothing there," I pointed out.

"No, those are Thestrals," Neville told us.

"Only those who have seen death can see them," Luna explained. That must've meant Harry could see them too. "Here, I'll help you guys get on."

With the help of Luna, I mounted the invisible flying horse. Harry mounted in front of me. I held on tightly, which was odd that I was putting so much trust into something that I couldn't even see.

Once everyone was mounted, the thestrals took flight. We were high above Hogwarts, and I could see little windows filled with lights. I couldn't help but think about Draco, who I was leaving behind while I put myself in danger. I had promised I wouldn't lie to him anymore.

I shook off my invasive thoughts and focused on holding tight to Harry's waist.

Come on, Elodie. Look at yourself. You promised Draco you wouldn't lie to him anymore, and now here you are, sneaking away to the ministry holding onto Harry Potter.

I sighed and closed my eyes, wanting this ride to be over.

After a while, I could feel us start to slow down. I opened my eyes as we landed on the pavement and quickly let go of Harry. I took my wand out of my pocket and held it at my side.

Harry gathered us around outside the back entrance.

"We can't separate. We need people on every corner looking out."

We all nodded and formed a circle-like formation. Harry gently opened the door at the back entrance. Everyone was holding their breath.

We all slipped inside the darkly lit building, staying close to one another as Harry advised.

"Is anyone not weirded out by the lack of security?" I whispered.

"Yeah," Ron agreed. "Something's off here, Harry."

"Just follow me. My vision showed me a room with all of these glowing orbs," Harry instructed.

"You mean the prophecies?" Hermione corrected. "I've read about that room. I know where it's at."

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