Boy drama

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James had organised a rooftop party so I got dressed and headed over with my sister.

James had organised a rooftop party so I got dressed and headed over with my sister

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I instantly got a drink and started dancing with a few of the girls.
At some point, I ended up dragging Alex over and dancing with him as well.

Eventually, we wandered off and ended up slightly away from the rest of the party.

"So what happened to that boyfriend of yours?" He poked my shoulder with a small smirk.

I shook my head. "That's been over for a little while now. He didn't want to come here, I didn't wanna stay there. Is what it is."

"So you're single again?"

"Eww, why did you say it like that?" I laughed.

"Say it like what?"

"You just said it all weird."

He shrugged with a small chuckle. "I don't think I did but okay."

I looked around and saw Binky walking away from JP. "I'm gonna go check on Binks so I'll talk to you later." I walked over to my sister. "What happened?"

"He said he doesn't want a relationship." She sadly shrugged. "He said he wants to start having a laugh again but I just feel so shit, waiting for him even though I know he doesn't want me to. I'm just- I don't even know anymore Bella."

"Do you wanna go home?"

"I think I'm gonna go by myself and just, I don't know but you stay here, have fun and I'll call you tomorrow."


"I'm okay Bells, you have fun, okay." She kissed my cheek and walked off.

I tried to avoid JP but I couldn't and I wandered over to him.

"I'm really not in the mood for another fight, Arabella." He sighed.

"Good. Because I'm not either. Look, you hurt Binky so I want nothing more than to throw you off of this rooftop but she cares about you." I leaned against the railing. "Look, Binky is gonna do whatever she wants to do. I love my sister more than life but we're quite different."

"So what are you trying to say?"

I took a deep breath. "I know what it feels like to have someone that got away. It will eat away at you for the rest of your life. All I'm saying is if there is a part of you that wants to have a relationship with her, and I know there is, then you owe it to at least yourself to give it a go. I know you've never been in a proper relationship before and for whatever reason, you've got commitment issues but as someone who's been through almost everything relationship wise, I'm telling you: a failed relationship is better than the what if that will haunt you for the rest of your life." I walked away before he could say anything because I wanted the message to stick with him.

Alex's POV

After she walked away, I internally kicked myself and walked over to the boys.

"Guessing that didn't go too well then." Jamie smirked slightly.

"Well she's definitely single but no, it didn't go the way I wanted it too."

"So she rejected you?" James presumed.

"Not really because I never asked her out. I was going to but then something happened with Binky and she walked off." I looked around to try and see her. Eventually I spotted her talking with JP. "I'm guessing that's what happened."

"So what are you gonna do now?" Spencer queried.

I shrugged. "I have no idea. The thing is, she just got out of a like two year relationship and she hasn't been single for like three years so I don't know if jumping in is the best way to go."

"But if you don't jump in someone else will." Jamie stated.

"And you'll probably do something stupid that will put her off of you." Spencer commented and raised his arms in mock surrender. "Just saying."

"Yeah." I looked over at her longingly as she walked away from JP.

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