08: The Drive Home

Start from the beginning

Alright! Be safe. Don't burn your hands or anything.

'Be safe.' 

Reading it automatically drew a smile on my face. As if I'm a little kid just learning how to bake!

'Be safe.'

Is it because it's the first time in a long time that I had someone care for me like this?

Is it too early to think that he cares for me?

I heaved a deep sigh.

'Yes, Thitipoom. It's too early to get attached. You don't even know him that well anyway.'

But that's why there's what we call the getting-to-know-each-other phase, right?

'Sure. But based on how you're going with this, you seem like you're willing to skip that part and jump straight to the falling phase.'

No, I'm not!

'Yeah, sure. Continue thinking that way and maybe you'll make yourself believe that eventually.'

Oh, shut up, little voice!

I suddenly sat up straight!

Wow! Did I just have a fight with my inner self? I'm going crazy here, ain't I?

'Yeah, you are.'

I said shut up!

Oh, my God!


I violently ruffled my hair out of frustration.

Get ahold of yourself, Thitipoom!

Right then, my phone vibrated. I looked at it and saw a message notification from P'Podd.

From: P'Podd - Cafe

You okay boss?  You did not come back.

I want to be as far away as possible from your prying eyes, Phi!!!

But that's not what I replied.

To: P'Podd - Cafe

Yes, Phi. Be there in a few.

I was about to stand up when I looked at my phone again and my eyes landed on Tay's name in my inbox.

Wouldn't hurt to message him again, right?

I didn't hear a protest from my inner self so I proceeded on it.

To: Tay Tawan

What time are you coming here?

From: Tay Tawan

The fact that you just assumed that I'm coming today really amuses me. Are you waiting for your most loyal customer, Mr. Owner?

I frowned as I read his reply. Is he not coming in today, then?

Inner self is right. I'm getting too attached fast. 

To: Tay Tawan

Oh. So you wouldn't come then? And for your information Mister, I have more loyal customers than you! You've been coming here only for the past two weeks!

From: Tay Tawan

Who said I wouldn't come? Also, please. I'm the only one who loyally comes every day! And I plan to do it for the future days to come. 



I just felt my heart skip a beat and my lips are already hurting from being pressed too much as I'm trying my best to drown the brooding wide smile that has been struggling to be let out.

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